I don't like my setup either and need a warehouse.
can't justify the cost though, around here a good little warehouse rents for $2000 a week, that's a hell of a lot of tv's each and every week before I make a cent.
but on the good side, a warehouse doubles up as a transfer station where people can drop things off,
that's where I think it would balance out in the end, if it's all coming in for free, like other places around here,
and I can process them at the same time, unlike the rest, they still have to truck them to the
e-waste company, I think I can make it work.
and blubox, if I can process flat screens and flourecent lights on site then I think I can catch a very large market.
you know that the white powder, or terbium oxide that comes out of flouro's? it sells for $130,000 a tonne, so a tonne of rare earth would pay my rent for the year and at the same time eliminating the toxic waste from landfills.
so until I get a blubox down here, i'm just a bum kinda.