Originally Posted by
Phantoms001 said: "I agree and would pay 384.00 a year to get a permit. Even doing scrapping part time I can easily cover that in 2 weeks curb shopping. With all the rift-raft out, there will be just that much more available."
Do you think it's right that they take two more weeks of your hard earned money? You already work for four or five months every year just to pay your income tax (assuming you are reporting your income). The more they get their fingers in your profession the harder it will be to get them out and it will get easier for them to apply more pressure. Where does it stop?
I do understand what you guys are saying. No one wants to pay money, they would rather have it in their pocket. I have a bit of a more liberal view. It costs money to do business. My discipline is in HVAC which is highly regulated and it costs money to stay up to code. I worked at a Casino and I had to pay 250.00 a year for a gaming license. I am currently part of a union and they take 49.00 a month in union dues. In many different fields there is a reoccurring cost to stay in that field.
I do NOT think this would curb any kind of theft. Rather than these pieces of garbage selling their materials to a yard, they would just find someone that would be willing to buy the material at a discount. It just wouldn't kill me to pay a few hundred dollars, and like it or not, most of the people here would do the same.