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    PistoneScrapProcessing started this thread.
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    Heavy Equipment Purchase

    Ok so here goes and I understand not everyone will be able to comment on this. My background isn't machinery or for that matter even heavy mechanical work. I am about to purchase an excavator and equip it with a grapple. I am just looking for suggestions. I am gonna buy a 3x2 grapple Labounty HDR70. I am not looking to quick attach it. Its going to be a permanent installation. The problem I am having is finding the attachment plate that welds to the secondary arm of he excavator so I can attach the stick from the grapple to it. Does anyone have any suggestions at all where I can purchase the mounting plate at?

    I am also going to install a belt driven 20 KVA generator so I can run a magnet. My problem with this installation is I can't find anyone that will sell the whole system. I am talking about the generator, electrical box, magnet controller, magnet line. Does anyone know where I can buy the whole setup at? I have searched for hours and hours on google and can't find anyone who sells everything. Can anyone out there help me out and shoot me in the right direction. I just want to have all my costs before I make the purchase.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Buying parts for the machine is simple but setting it up to do scrap work and find all the parts I need before the machine shows up seems to be a pain in my rear.

  2. #2
    corycouch's Avatar
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    ive ran some trackhoes in the past so i know a little but i may have more questions than anything. i googled the model number with the word magnet and couldnt find a common link, the magnets ive seen have been inbetween 4 claws coming from four sides with the magnet in the middle, the pictures of the hdr70 looked basically like a hydraulic thumb(which is what ive ran) and i don't see where the magnet would go unless the mounting plate your wanting would be magnetized. the hdr70 looks like it would just hook up where the curl would be and just slide the pin in there and i dont see a need for a plate. im sure im missing something and i know im outa my league


    edit, fyi i know nothing about magnets on cranes or the generators
    Last edited by corycouch; 12-29-2012 at 07:17 PM.

  3. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Ok so here goes and I understand not everyone will be able to comment on this. My background isn't machinery or for that matter even heavy mechanical work. I am about to purchase an excavator and equip it with a grapple. I am just looking for suggestions. I am gonna buy a 3x2 grapple Labounty HDR70. I am not looking to quick attach it. Its going to be a permanent installation. The problem I am having is finding the attachment plate that welds to the secondary arm of he excavator so I can attach the stick from the grapple to it. Does anyone have any suggestions at all where I can purchase the mounting plate at?

    I am also going to install a belt driven 20 KVA generator so I can run a magnet. My problem with this installation is I can't find anyone that will sell the whole system. I am talking about the generator, electrical box, magnet controller, magnet line. Does anyone know where I can buy the whole setup at? I have searched for hours and hours on google and can't find anyone who sells everything. Can anyone out there help me out and shoot me in the right direction. I just want to have all my costs before I make the purchase.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Buying parts for the machine is simple but setting it up to do scrap work and find all the parts I need before the machine shows up seems to be a pain in my rear.
    Congratulations on your purchase, you'll need a weld shop to fabricate the base for the thumb, a farmer could do this but i would go with a ticked welder who knows procedure for multi pass welds.

    While your at it have him attach a lifting hook onto the backside of your bucket for those heavy lifts or a place to hang your magnet from.

    IMHO belt driven generator is asking for trouble, so do Lincoln. Miller and Hobart. Go with a direct driven unit preferably hydraulic. Gensco Equipment - Magnet Generators

    If you decide on the hydraulic gen set have your shop plumb it in with quick disconnects, latter on you may want to purchase , lease or rent a shear or hammer.

    A place like Weldco Beales could do you a first class installation on the thumb base,

    Also have a centralized grease system installed if the excavator did not already come equipped with one from the factory. You will save money in the long run not messing around with those small cartridges as you will purchase your grease in bulk containers.

    A central system also assure that every hard the reach grease zerk is serviced and impeded by a hung over operator first thing Monday morning. Lubrication Systems, Centralized Lubrication Systems, Automatic Centralized Lubrication Systems, Auto Lube, Grease and Oil Lubricating Systems, Chassis lube, Oil Re-Circulation Systems, Grease Spray Systems, Chain lubrication, Oven Chain Lubrication,

    Jack purchased a magnet made in China it's a piece of crap, when he cuts the power everything hangs for about 90 seconds, sometimes he has to brush the mag over the side of the bin to break the scrap free of the residual magnesium.

    Purchase a quality American manufactured magnet and make sure it's copper wound.
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-29-2012 at 07:45 PM.

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    corycouch's Avatar
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    i told you i was outa my league thanks gus

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    PistoneScrapProcessing started this thread.
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    Thanks for the replies so far. Yes cory I am planning on hanging the mag from the grapple with a d-ring welded on the backside of the one of the tines.

    Gus, I am thinking about going with hydraulic driven to. The problem being is I would have to install additional blocks on the hydraulics to run it. Which isn't a problem its just more money. I am planning on buying a winkle or ohio magnet. Probably a 55 inch mag. Nothing made in china is going to be installed on this machine I actually need it to do work not break down all the time. LOL. The grapple will quick attach to the machine as it is. The problem I am having is finding the base for the stick that comes off the grapple. I probably don't have to explain it to you but to others it holds the grapple in place with a bar that has a pin that runs through it and attaches about 4 feet up the stick of the boom. Its on the underside of the boom. The cylinder on top can then open and close and pick stuff up. If it didn't have this stick the grapple wouldn't pick up anything and would constantly swing open when you pick stuff up.

    Bear I already spent hours on that site and can't find anything using there search button. I could start calling machinery dealers in my area but using a dealer usually means paying double for the part. I was hoping to find it online buy it and have it shipped to me direct.
    Last edited by PistoneScrapProcessing; 12-29-2012 at 07:51 PM.

  10. #7
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    i told you i was outa my league thanks gus
    tis what this forum is all about giving a helping hand.

    I was lucky when I had my yard the guy who owned the Ready Mix plant had taken an excavator as partial payment on a debt owed him. He dumped it off at my yard and gave me free use of it for three years.

    Not world class machine but none of my equipment would have qualified.

    The newest bit of kit was a clamshell that was new old stock hiding behind an equipment dealer in Port Kells, paid $1000.00 one of my better deals.

  11. #8
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    okay pistone i think i may have found something that may give you different ideas for your search it wouldnt load up all the way on mycomputer but anyway here it is

  12. #9
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Thanks for the replies so far. Yes cory I am planning on hanging the mag from the grapple with a d-ring welded on the backside of the one of the tines.

    Gus, I am thinking about going with hydraulic driven to. The problem being is I would have to install additional blocks on the hydraulics to run it. Which isn't a problem its just more money. I am planning on buying a winkle or ohio magnet. Probably a 55 inch mag. Nothing made in china is going to be installed on this machine I actually need it to do work not break down all the time. LOL. The grapple will quick attach to the machine as it is. The problem I am having is finding the base for the stick that comes off the grapple. I probably don't have to explain it to you but to others it holds the grapple in place with a bar that has a pin that runs through it and attaches about 4 feet up the stick of the boom. Its on the underside of the boom. The cylinder on top can then open and close and pick stuff up. If it didn't have this stick the grapple wouldn't pick up anything and would constantly swing open when you pick stuff up.

    Bear I already spent hours on that site and can't find anything using there search button. I could start calling machinery dealers in my area but using a dealer usually means paying double for the part. I was hoping to find it online buy it and have it shipped to me direct.
    Ahhh now I got it, your installing a grapple. When you said thumb I pictured in my minds eye a bucket with either a rigid or hydraulic thumb.

    If the machine is still at the dealers have them install the grapple or send the machine out to Finning or whatever the Cat dealer calls themselves in your neck of the woods or look in the yeller pages for heavy equipment bucket manufactures. These guys know how to affix attachments.

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  14. #10
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Here's a used Winkel on machinery trader, built 2011

  15. #11
    PistoneScrapProcessing started this thread.
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    Thanks for all the responses and gus I am buying the machine off machinery trader. That mag you are referring to is coming from company wrench. I was going to rent a machine off them but after looking at the costs per month after six months of rental I would have been able to buy a machine with that money and install everything on it the way I want and how I want it. I am also planning on buying a bulk liquid oxygen system in the next few months to. 2000 gallon tank liquid ox and a 200 hundred gallon or more propane tank there has to be at least a 4 foot firewall between both tanks according the department of transportation.

  16. #12
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Thanks for all the responses and gus I am buying the machine off machinery trader. That mag you are referring to is coming from company wrench. I was going to rent a machine off them but after looking at the costs per month after six months of rental I would have been able to buy a machine with that money and install everything on it the way I want and how I want it. I am also planning on buying a bulk liquid oxygen system in the next few months to. 2000 gallon tank liquid ox and a 200 hundred gallon or more propane tank there has to be at least a 4 foot firewall between both tanks according the department of transportation.
    To bad your so far away, I have a 500 gallon propane tank which i no longer have use for as I'm switching my home foundry over to oil.

    When I purchased the LPG tank it was 2/3rds full, paid $100.00 for it - then when that was used up had 50% put in at a cost of $500.00 propane is not cheap in Canada.

    Befor you lay out the cash for that excavator a few suggestions, take samples from the hydraulic system and engine have these annualized - Caterpillar and most of the large truck dealerships Peterbuilt, Kenworth and Mack offer this service also have the machine surveyed by a professional, no harm in having a trained eye go over your machine before signing the purchase agreement.

    From the oil sample they can tell you which part of the engine or hydraulic system is self destructing if it they have a problem, cheap insurance. You do not want to be making payments on a machine that is broken down sitting at the back of the lot.

    Testing Oil,
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-29-2012 at 09:38 PM.

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  18. #13
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Ok so here goes and I understand not everyone will be able to comment on this. My background isn't machinery or for that matter even heavy mechanical work. I am about to purchase an excavator and equip it with a grapple. I am just looking for suggestions. I am gonna buy a 3x2 grapple Labounty HDR70. I am not looking to quick attach it. Its going to be a permanent installation. The problem I am having is finding the attachment plate that welds to the secondary arm of he excavator so I can attach the stick from the grapple to it. Does anyone have any suggestions at all where I can purchase the mounting plate at?

    I am also going to install a belt driven 20 KVA generator so I can run a magnet. My problem with this installation is I can't find anyone that will sell the whole system. I am talking about the generator, electrical box, magnet controller, magnet line. Does anyone know where I can buy the whole setup at? I have searched for hours and hours on google and can't find anyone who sells everything. Can anyone out there help me out and shoot me in the right direction. I just want to have all my costs before I make the purchase.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Buying parts for the machine is simple but setting it up to do scrap work and find all the parts I need before the machine shows up seems to be a pain in my rear.
    sounds likw you need to fab up a lug, as a plate welder i have alot of experience rigging and welding and doing layout/fabrication
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

  19. #14
    PistoneScrapProcessing started this thread.
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    Gus and everyone else thanks for the advice. I am well aware of oil sample analysis on the drives, pumps and motor. I am not going to be making payments on this I am outright buying it. Slave and save my cash paid for it. The good thing about working for a scrap yard is you don't need a bank either. I have already pretty much priced out the expensive parts. The machine has 8300 hours on it and spent its life digging sewer lines in residential neighbor hoods. The main parts are 5 grand for the final drive, 7 for the pump and 12 for the motor. The excavator will pay for itself in about a month because I will be able to work my guys like Egyptian slaves building scrap pyramids. No more downtime. I have so much work right now I can't keep up this is the reason I finally said I gotta buy a machine and buy it right now. I just have to have all the parts and attachments that I want to buy for it onsite when the machine shows up so I can get it installed and get it up and making money.

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  21. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Thanks for the replies so far. Yes cory I am planning on hanging the mag from the grapple with a d-ring welded on the backside of the one of the tines.

    Bear I already spent hours on that site and can't find anything using there search button. I could start calling machinery dealers in my area but using a dealer usually means paying double for the part. I was hoping to find it online buy it and have it shipped to me direct.
    Actually I gave a partial reply in haste, and went on to other things, but when I first saw this, there were no replies at all, and as mine posted, I saw Gus and others were chiming in, so I let it be.

    What I find more and more in searches, such as for Heavy Equipment, you'll get mostly "sales pitch" results, but when you add the word "forum" it'll change the results list drastically
    Like, if I was wanting information on a particular computer, and typed "Dell XXXX" into a google search, the results would be a long list of links to buy one( I can't help but believe that Google has "deals" with all these sites for a monetary return from the "clicks")
    However, if I typed in "Dell XXX" and add the word "forum", I'll more likely receive a list of discussions on this particular machine, instead of a bunch of sales pitches
    Same applies on particular vehicles, washing machines, etc, etc, etc.

    If you tried this approach on the machine you have in question(such as "excavator XXXX forum"), it could possibly return a much more informative page of results, hopefully including some open discussions by numerous individuals commenting on the particular machine/subject in question.

    It doesn't necessarily mean there's a forum specifically for that particular machine, it merely returns pages with forum in the text, or web address

  22. #16
    PistoneScrapProcessing started this thread.
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    Bear not to change the subject or nature of the post I also searched this site. Check it out if you like demolition. Its not that active of a forum but still good info. I hope the mods don't kill me either for advertising another site. I searched every which way I could. I wish I could count how many hours I have been searching for the information.

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  24. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    I hope the mods don't kill me either for advertising another site.
    I certainly wouldn't expect them to Pistone, in fact, now that you mention it, I doubt there's another business (including vintage car/computer sites) that would go more hand in hand with scrapping and recycling, than demolition

  25. #18
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistoneScrapProcessing View Post
    Working for a scrap yard is you don't need a bank either.
    I'm Scandinavian started dealing in scrap during my early teens you stay faithful to your yard they will advance cash towards large scrap deals leading to major tonnage. If you have a Jew for a friend you have a good friend cross him and you have the worst enemy you could imagine.

    Many people do not realize how the Jewish people got into the scrap metal industry during the great wars these people were not permitted to hold civilian jobs and they had to survive so they turned to the rag and bone thing. This is why we now have so many scrap yards going on third and fourth generation ownership.

    The Russians have now begun investing in scrap yards.
    Last edited by gustavus; 12-30-2012 at 12:00 PM.

  26. #19
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    I have passed this auction yard many of times and they always seem to have loaders always available.

    They deal in heavy equipment sales and sell nationwide. I hope this website helps.

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