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Gotta start somewhere. The little guy just starting out probably won't get much work charging what you charge. I think of things like that as a form of marketing. I like to try to chat folks up and see if there's any information I can put to use.
Attitude, my friend, attitude.
If you go out every day with the attitude "My time is valuable." it will come through in your being. Not faking it, knowing it. Practice saying in front of a mirror: "I'm sorry, I cant take the truck out of the lot for less than 50 bucks.". Say it til you believe it, because it is true! Then start saying it to customers. They will respect the value of your time.
As to how "big" someone is: how does a customer know how big you are, really? A lot of people on the forum make the assumption I run a really big operation, because I TALK like a big company, but the truth is I have one truck ( two actually but one or the other is always broke down with some **** thing or another) and two guys and a little warehouse. But because I TALK a good game and I value my time, customers respect me and believe me to be worth what I charge. And I am.