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The tax rate is designed by large corperations to keep themselves extremely profitable while keeping startups small because mid sized companies are considered competition. Large companies have millions of deductions, they get them written into law.
I don't understand how taxes make anything profitable not worth it. The more you make the more you pay (in theory depending on how you made that money), plenty of people want to have that kind of problem. Could you explain the problems? I can see having issues with special insurance, safetly equipment, EPA regulations, etc making some businesses unprofitable, but taxes?
In the link I provided, there is this:
"The most controversial of the latest ObamaCare taxes is the Medical Device Tax that hits entrepreneurial firms making equipment such as heart valves and hip replacement parts. They face a 2.3% profit on gross sales – a tax they must pay even if they have no profit at all. Many firms say this tax – slated to collect $29 billion over 10 years – will soak up virtually all of their research budgets."
If you or any company gets taxed on gross sales, you are NOT paying on profit. If it applied to us scrappers, look at it this way:
You sell $1,000 of RAM (or steel, or copper) to a buyer. Even before you write off your transportation costs, shipping, purchasing costs, etc, you are TAXED $23 right off the bat. So if you were making a small profit last year, this year you are making even less because the tax bite comes before you get to write anything off.
"The more you make the more you pay" is not accurate, it is "the more you sell, the more you pay" regardless of profit or how much you make.