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Did I do good buying? Lots of questions

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  1. #1
    college started this thread.
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    Did I do good buying? Lots of questions

    Ok Im a total nub when it comes to this scrapping and picking business, but from reading here theres tons you old pros to help me out. Ok so I went to a couple estate sales and garage sales and bought some stuff today, I will link the picks. First off I bought a old REALLY heavy sewing machine that works but the guy said it runs a little funny and might need some new parts. I figure I could learn sewing machine repair and fix it myself or maybe its worth more than 5 bucks scrap.

    I also bought a silver plated small dish butter holder thing. Not sure what the actual purpose is. Anyway this lady was selling for 6 bucks and then said 3 dollars so I thought why the hell not. Maybe a good deal?

    I have a working computer monitor thats old and square. Trying to get 15 on craigslist and im guessing the scrap value is maybe 5 bucks.

    Lastly at a garage sale there was a honda gx340 engine airblower thing. I asked how much he said 20 but it wasnt working, he wasnt sure why and thought maybe some parts were missing. I think I should of hopped on it but he said if I still wanted it to shoot him an email. I looked online and **** some are valued as much as $300 but I dont know what it takes to fix it. Is that motor worth more in scrap? Any help thanks guys. The guy also had about 25 feet in cord with 3 wrapped copper inside and wanted 5 bucks. I think I should have hopped on that to?

    Oh one more thing, I scrapped my first item EVER, a old phone last night. I got a little copper and a board. Im on my way gentlemen.
    Last edited by college; 02-17-2013 at 09:25 PM.

  2. #2
    brandon's Avatar
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    What kind of sewing machine is that?
    Butter dish is plated brass or copper, should be able to get 10-15 out of the monitor,
    My fortune cookie said:
    You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.

  3. #3
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    The airblower might be lucky to get ten at your local small engine repair.
    Old cords are about $1 a pound, so 25ft won't likely get your $5 back

  4. #4
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    You should concentrate on free stuff..i sometumes buy bulk at auctions or brass at garage sales...other than that, I only deal with the free still fairly new at this n do it pt...up to you, but I wouldnt be putting up cash unless I had made some in the past to pay for the of luck

  5. #5
    Phantoms001's Avatar
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    Personally, I buy most of my scrap. I wouldn't be "buying" anything unless you know exactly what you are buying and what it's worth as well as have a plan on what I'm going to do with it.

    For example I could get 20.00 for the Honda, working or not from 3 different guys I know that fix small engines. The most I would pay for the Honda would be 10.00. If I could get more on CL that works out great. If not, I know I'm not going to be stuck holding the bag.

    Free = Great, Buying = you better know what it's worth and how to sell it. if not, pass.

    It's too late to ask about an item after you buy it.

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  7. #6
    college started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandon View Post
    What kind of sewing machine is that?
    Butter dish is plated brass or copper, should be able to get 10-15 out of the monitor,
    Hey its a new home sewing machine. Cost me 5 bucks. So the butter dish says silver plate but after some research silver plate can be brass or copper with no silver at all? Im still kind of confused about it. Do you think its worth spending a couple bucks on things that say silver plate or should I not even waste my time? Thanks.

  8. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Silver plate means it is coated with a very thin layer of cheap silver, the base metal is most of the time brass and once in a while copper. The brass will sell as yellow brass 1.60-1.80# and the copper will sell for #2 copper 2.80#. If your looking for silver look at the bottom for 925 this is the mark for sterling. If I where you I would do as scrappy88 said and stay with the free stuff until you know what your doing and have some buyers lined up. That way you'll know what you can get for it and how much to pay. Hope this helps, good luck.

  9. #8
    brandon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by college View Post
    Hey its a new home sewing machine. Cost me 5 bucks. So the butter dish says silver plate but after some research silver plate can be brass or copper with no silver at all? Im still kind of confused about it. Do you think its worth spending a couple bucks on things that say silver plate or should I not even waste my time? Thanks.

    If its heavy brass or copper under the silverplate and you can get it cheap, its worth it. If it weighs several pounds and you can get it for a buck or two, go for it.
    Sewing machines, stay away unless they are free, or are a collected model.
    Look up these terms, EPOC, Silver Soldered, nickel silver, alpaca, german silver,

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