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I think that Thirsty did something like this using postcards thru the us mail. If i remember correctly you can send them out by zip code. I don't believe it was very costly and I think he had a pretty good response.
When I was younger and in sales I tinkered around with this idea. You can find websites that will sell you (inexpensively) lists of zipcodes as brasscatcher has suggested that can be downloaded into common word processors, and you just print the labels. From there you can mail them all in bulk which is inexpensive.
I didn't have much success with this but it was in a different field.
What I did have
a lot of success with, is what I was taught in sales school. When you meet someone, get an address. As soon as the meeting was over, mail a hand written thank you card with your
business card enclosed the same day. You can purchase blank cards that just say "thank you" on the front and write a simple 3 line note. You would be surprised how many calls you will get. I've had people tell me they spent thousands of dollars on homes, cars, equipment, ect.. and no one has ever taken the time to write a card thanking them for their business, or taking the time out of their day to meet.