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  1. #1
    diver43164990 started this thread.
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    Construction gets money for scrap in *mixed* dumpster?

    My health club is having a major addition to the building put on, there's a big dumpster with a fair amount of metal in it on a regular basis behind the building…I asked a guy (sounded like a sub-contractor because he referred to the main firm as "they" rather than "we") if they cared if someone took metal that was already in the dumpster…he said he thought they didn't want people doing that because they got money for it…but it's all mixed up with drywall, wood, etc. (usually in my experience if sites are recycling scrap they keep separate piles/dumpsters).

    Was this guy just blowing smoke? I'm tempted to go back today after four and grab stuff because I've noticed they replace the dumpster Tuesday morning (it's Monday); I looked inside and there's at least a couple hundred pounds (last week I asked and a different subcontractor said he thought it was ok, he even hopped into the dumpster and threw stuff out for me I got almost 800 lbs out of it; I called the main firm later that day if they were ok with it in the future but they never got back to me so I don't know where I stand really. [I asked the guy on-site today just because I prefer feeling like I touched base with somebody instead of just going to straight to "work".])

  2. #2
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Id get written permission from the general contractor. Otherwise i wouldnt take anything at all from a construction site. Construction sites residential or commercial i will not pick. CYA

    whatever you do, ABSOLUTELY do not go on a construction site after hours for any reason!!!!!!
    Last edited by jghilino; 02-25-2013 at 09:41 AM.
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

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  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Another issue may be you getting hurt while on their site in their dumpster...too many idiots have sued companies before even though the injury wasn't the companies fault.
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    jghilino's Avatar
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    You step on a jobsite after hours its trespassing, take anything and its trespassing and theft. Even if its out of a dumpster. Id look elseware for scrap first. My new idea is to check out the satellite images to see who around you has alot of scrap on there property and then target those properties with fliers/cards.

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  8. #5
    TheDude80's Avatar
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    jghilino now that is an original idea!!! Just goes to show you what valuable information is provided on this forum.

  9. #6
    diver43164990 started this thread.
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    yeah i was afraid that's what you guys were going to say :-0

    i was thinking about calling the main company again and offering to fax them a form releasing them from any liability

    (thanks for info about trespassing after-hours, i didn't know that)

    (also i called dumpster company, they said they don't pay for scrap in mixed trash so that guy on-site today didn't know what he was talking about)

  10. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diver43164990 View Post
    yeah i was afraid that's what you guys were going to say :-0

    i was thinking about calling the main company again and offering to fax them a form releasing them from any liability

    (thanks for info about trespassing after-hours, i didn't know that)

    (also i called dumpster company, they said they don't pay for scrap in mixed trash so that guy on-site today didn't know what he was talking about)
    Someone in that crew is a "supervisor" that's who I'd be getting approval from and catch his name while your talking to him. Might even be worth buying him a cup of coffee.
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  12. #8
    diver43164990 started this thread.
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    i got through on the phone to s.o. at the company, he said even with a fax releasing liability he wasn't "comfortable" with giving the ok based on what his higher-ups had said to him previously…guess i could still try to track down the on-site supervisor but i'm a little discouraged about this one, at least for this week

  13. #9
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Persistent Professionalism may finally get you the answer you want. Also explaining that you would be freeing up space in the roll off WILL save them money.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 02-25-2013 at 12:05 PM.

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  15. #10
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    If you can get in touch with the jobsite supervisor, offer to bring the guys a couple of pizzas at lunch time, or maybe a case of beers at the end of their shift on Friday if they stockpile the "good stuff" to the side of the dumpster for you every day. Depending on what it's worth to you, maybe flash a little green paper.
    Make sure that you tell them a specific time when you will be there, then make sure you're not late. If it becomes a hassle for them, then they'll not be interested in helping you. In my experience, the job super can make things happen, regardless of what the corporate rules may be. Just make it worth his time.

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  17. #11
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    back in the day I used to supply the rolloff to companies to put mixed in but that went with the higher scrap prices so I do miss that because all I had to do was call to have it placed and to pick up and poof minus the cost of renting it which at the time was $125 week I cleared a nice chuck when I had 4 out at a time during the summer now around here there are local drop off sites which do not like pulling reg scrap out but will let me pull tvs microwaves and such but ya its a touch basis because of liability for most places but never hurts to ask. I got to tear out a old hardies a few years back because I asked

  18. #12
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    ask if you can park a trailer of your there and have them throw the metal in that, They would then use less dumpster space, saving money, and wouldnt have to worry about you getting hurt.

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  20. #13
    diver43164990 started this thread.
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    hey thanks all i just ran by for the heck of it

    foreman for the job happened to be there, he told me i could take out stuff that was already in the dumpster

    turned out to mostly be drywall but i think i got at least 150 lbs of light iron (7 cents/lb. where i go, so not exaclty a jackpot but still better than nothing)

    he seemed ok with it but wasn't too interested in making eye contact lol when i thanked him at the end he just kept walking and didn't even acknowledge me

    not sure what i'll do next week (they replace dumpster every tuesday morning) i don't think he would care but i also don't think he thought he was giving me permission to hit it every single week until the job is over…

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