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What is going on with some of the new buyers recently? - Page 3

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  1. #41
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    My turn!

    I always felt that finding pricing online is a major help in determining the value of my product. However, I have also learned that this doesnt automatically mean I will do business with that person. I would rather have a great relationship with a buyer that I intend to work with for a long time. Now, a buyer with prices posted on here (pick one) may or may not fill that requirement, but NOT posting prices will not disqualify someone for me. If it does for you then I think you have a narrow vision for your business (not meant as a put-down). My advice is to explore all the opportunities you find on here. You may find a gem by not overlooking those that dont offer all the information you require.

    One other bit of advice is to remember that words written on a forum such as this should be written carefully. Intentions do not always come across in print as one would like. I try to glean the intent over the content once I understand that something that sounds "snarky" or "arrogant" may not be intended as such.

    Personally, I have dealt with 2 of the people that replied to this thread where one does not post prices and the other posts basic information. After dealing with them I completely understand their business concept and why they post the way they do. It may/may not be how I would do things, but their businesses seem to be thriving and I have enjoyed working with them both. There are a few others on here that do post prices and I hope to do business with them at some point. If thing work out well with them they will also be on my list of preferred buyers. Take the time to build a relationship that works for you and dont discount someone because they dont post, or blindly use someone just because they do post. Take the time to pick up the phone and talk to them. It's just good business sense.

    *edit*---I will be happy to share my experiences with buyers on here if you want to pm me...but I wont do it publicly

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  3. #42
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    Interesting topic i've read this thread several times and my head fills with ideas.

    If the customer wants prices give them prices?
    Do you go to a store and ridicule them because their newspaper ad didnt have a price?
    Do these guys really want my business?
    If you don't like what you read, or don't like the lack of information, why don't you just move onto another buyer?

    I guess i've came to the following conclusion! I can see both sides of this!
    Nobody's right, and Nobody's wrong.

    I'll make my own decision about who I sell my stuff to, and I'll pick the person that meets my expectations. And you can pick the person who meets yours too.

    So my final thought is this, do whats best for you, I'll do whats best for me. We'll both understand it and not hate each other for it.
    I'm sure you've all heard "you can make SOME of the people happy SOME of the time, you might be able to make MOST of the people happy MOST of the time, but you CAN'T make ALL the people happy ALL the time."

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  5. #43
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    Here is my last statement on this whole thread....... The original question was "Whats up with some of the new buyers on here?" I answered it as I do not post my prices anywhere and it was a direct appropriate response to the question being asked.. I said it was MY business plan and how I operate. I did not ask for a poll who agrees with me or not or who wants to sell me material... Sorry Old Dude but putting no offense in front of a statement actually means offense intended in the same way me putting Sorry Old Dude doesnt really mean im sorry...

    The most glaring problem with anybody that didint like what I answered originally is that I DO NOT RUN AN AD ON HERE TO BUY MATERIAL.I respect the buyers on here who post prices and have no problem with the ones who dont but just as I said it is not part of how I run my company
    More insight as to why I dont post prices is this
    My company is in Tampa.. Within a 60 mile radius there are over 6 R2 certified elctronic recyclers and a huge amount of smaller guys doing it either full time or part time. The amount of us doing it in the Central Florida area could create its own active forum just for us . Being a smaller Incorporated business that is licensed and compliant it is extrememly competitive. I have stated before that i believe in the supply chain model of scrap in that the small guy feed the medium guy and the medium guy feeds the bigger guy and the bigger guy goes to the refiner. All along the chain people make money and continue to supply material. If I post prices on here or on craigslist I will completely choke out the smaller guy .I would much prefer the smaller guy buy the material from smaller guys and sell it to me. He is making money and i am still paying the same price.. So OLD DUDE who said Im arrogant and the small guy like him isnt good enough for me(paraphrasing) is completely wrong. They are the heart and foundation of my company and I probably could make more profit if I chased all the scrap for myself.....I also keep a competitive edge over some of the others my size as they need to compete with my prices without really knowing where im at and they usually under bid
    I solicit priviately to some on here and have many exellent customers and friends from here and in fact because I dont post prices when I get a call from someone who has a small amount I feed those responses to to them .
    Hopefully that will suffice why I personally dont list prices and that I respect the intent of the forum and dont advertise in the sellers section or ever ask for feedback from members. I actually ask them not to .....
    BARREN.... you made a comment just above here. I hate to say it but you allowed your reputation to be shredded very publicly on here and it all came down to an issue that would never of happened if you hadnt been posting prices...You have done so much good for members but its an example of how their is always a pro-con side to everything
    I do not like that I made comments about OLD DUDE so I will apologise and mean it, but do not ever attack me or my companies reputation if you have not had any dealing with me....This is how I make my living ,so comment on opinions about business with me but dont ever call me arrogant without knowing me and I will keep in mind to do the same from here on out with everyone else as a lesson well learned ..

    Happy buying and selling over the weekend everyone
    Last edited by URBANERECYCLING; 03-15-2013 at 10:46 AM.

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  7. #44
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Prices being posted - If you do, thank you. Like another I'm up and doing my thing mostly at night.If your a buyer and your open for business and phone calls 24/7 ....great! I'll give you a call at 3am, when I'm grabbing a soda, and some food for lunch.

    I'd settle with a website that has a price list that is updated as its required. Or heck lest promise to put me on a mailing list for updates. I could live that with that also. Just so i don[t have to play email/phone tag. Been there done that, got the broken keyboards to prove it.

    Sirscrapalot - HI!

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  9. #45
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    This is my opinion and my opinion only. The one thing that trumps everything is integrity. It dosen't matter what your doing or who you are if you don't have integrity I won't have anything to do with you. You all wont sell something if the buyer that dosn't post/addvertise prises but i wonder how many of you call the supper market for prises before going shopping. Just because a buyer does not post thiere prices dose not mean they are taking advantage of anybody. I am a buyer and I do not post prices on this forum or anywhere else and yes some sellers that I buy from I pay a little higher price than others yet every one of my sellers are very happy with what I pay them. Now you ask why would I pay more to one guy and less to some one else? Well there are several reasons for this and first one is integrity. Second is quanity and quality of boards, if I addvertised my prices then I would have to pay everybody the same price regardless of quality of the boards. Here is an example of what I'm talking about. If I explain to a seller how to prep his boards to get a better price and they do it as explained to them then they get a better price but on the other hand some people are just lazy and want to just throw the boards in a box with the excess steel on them and not sorted or any thing. This creates more work for me so why should I pay the same price for these boards. Some of my sellers/buyers have very good integrity and when they tell me that they will do some thing they do it, if I call them and get a vioce mail they call me right back, if I send and e-mail they e-mail or call me right back and they don't bs me, this goes for members and nonmembers of this forum. One of my main buyer of e-waste dose not advertise prices and his prises are right up there with the main buyers on this forum. His integrity is second to none and I will continue to sell to him even if he has to lower his prises. Just my .02

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  11. #46
    I just can't see how anyone who posts prices can remain competitive. Most of you that have chimed in have commented that... and others that almost "demand" prices be posted don't get it. There is almost a 3 week swing on price per pound. One week to find out what it is, and debate the profitablity of it. One week to post it. One week to start getting product in. By the end of that 3rd week, you can lose a lot of money. I almost don't trust any website prices that are posted that are over over 2 weeks un-updated. We have a scrapyard locally that posts the prices on line, and the most I've seen them go without is about 15 days. And they also say on there, I think, prices aren't firm. Then again, no prices are firm until you get the check.

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  13. #47
    jghilino's Avatar
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    theres is alot of chatter in the buying/selling threads just to keep them on the whats new list, i think the buying/selling threads need to be removed from the whats new category to make it fair for everyone
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

  14. #48
    Julie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NobleMetalWorks View Post
    If I might be so bold as to suggest another option, I would like also to see people selling scrap posting sell prices so that buyers can shop sellers as well. Scott
    Definitely an interesting idea....
    at least for those of us who have sold material a couple of times - it's a horrible feeling knowing what you have & not knowing what it's really worth due to lack of selling experience

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  16. #49
    Julie's Avatar
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    Hi everyone! Just finished catching up on this thread - interesting topic for sure - seems like it almost caused some problems (key word almost)
    I evaluated my own process for selecting a buyer for my material and noticed that I am fiercely loyal when it comes to who I work with here and in all areas of my life. I have faith that my loyalty reaps the rewards that it's entitled to (at least in my business endeavors friends are another story of course)
    Maybe the area in which you live and/or grew up in helps to define or decides how one will comfortably conduct business. I come from a small town, born and raised and I notice several differences in how I think as compared to individuals that live and/or come from larger cities.
    A little off topic but just subjecting all of you to my brain's workings.
    As for posting prices - unfortunately by the time that I end up getting my shipment to the shipping company any price(s) that I have checked are usually not valid anymore and sometimes may change before my chosen buyer receives my material. That's all on me though of course. It's nice to have a point of reference to start at but in the end - it is what it is.
    I choose my buyer initially based on the "feeling" that I get from them all in all.
    Rambling over - have fun!

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  18. #50
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    why do you think its fair to do so.?

    I think its fine.. it shows what is new... and I like it, because, it goes to show who is actually being an active member.

    and also.. I like Up to date News.

    my two cents.

    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    theres is alot of chatter in the buying/selling threads just to keep them on the whats new list, i think the buying/selling threads need to be removed from the whats new category to make it fair for everyone
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
    also our Prices are listed here
    PC Scrappers LLC
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  20. #51
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    There are alot of people that looks at the thread and alot of buyers.. aren't being so active... I wasn't active for about two weeks, Why.. been extremely swamped with over 900 computers scrapping out.. and over 1000 modem, and about 500 Telecom systems,

    so.. Thats my excuse..

    however.. just because someone doesn't post doesn't mean they don't care.. yes they should treat it like gold like the admin says, but.. at time we get busy..

    I'm going to throw this out there too..

    I've gotten people that made nuttin but negative statement on my prices.. and it makes my thread looks bad.. I tried gettin them removed as they are a bad influnce..


    and also at times.. prices don't change.. due to the market.. it up n down.. up and down.. and it takes alot of time to edit the prices..


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  22. #52
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    PS... BOB Needs MORE BEER. MORE Beer Means Needs more work.

  23. #53
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    This is what I was talking about in my post about integrity. My local buyer has been buying boards from me for almost a year now and has never had a price change. Now maybe he works on a bigger profit margin than some of the other buyers but even with the fall of some metals like gold and copper his prices have stayed the same.

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