If you guys know me at all you should know that I am always late with the posts! I have pictures though and that is always awesome!
Anyhow - I am really enjoying doing this as my job! The most important thing to me in a job is that it stays interesting. Otherwise I have problems keeping it! I guess you could compare me to a sponge in that sense although it's not a very helpful personality trait to have. My biggest issue so far seems to be finding my balance with bringing in material/business. I don't want to put myself in a position that I end up not being capable of fulfilling a commitment that I've made due to poor planning/lack of space. It is bad business and makes me look unprofessional in the eyes of customers (for lack of a better term). That alone can take you out of the game before you even get started in a small town like the one that I live in. Of course, the other side of this is under-commiting which leads to a lack of incoming material and therefore lack of incoming funds to continue. The latter is where I find myself; stupid because it's almost a Catch-22 situation.
I made some postcard sized flyers around Christmas that had the holiday theme and then had to recreate a new flyer after that because it's super tacky to keep handing out Christmas themed handouts after the date has past; that's how I would see it at least. The second flyer is better because I figured out a way to make it double sided which gave me a larger area in for detailed information about what I'm doing as well as space to include a couple of examples of the items that I'm looking for. I believe that examples are a vital part of the way that I've chosen to present myself and my purpose. It's easy for us to come up with a million and a half ideas of what we're looking for but the average person thinking is not shaped the same as ours.
I struggle with my own self-confidence issues when it comes to interacting with potential customers. It's like an extreme sub-category of stage fright like behavior. I'll freeze up, talk too quickly, or end up not getting out there at all to even try. As much as I am an outgoing person (obviously) this behavior has a tendency of coming out of nowhere and puts a dent in my networking activity. So, I am working on that issue. I have been getting a few other half developed methods of bring the material in but have to work out the details of course.
I apologize if I'm being a little vague - a good friend on here informed me of the fact that I could potentially shoot myself in the foot by giving out too much information about my plans/ideas because they could be taken and used against me. Trust and believe that if that should happen I will not take it very well and handle myself in a calm and mature way like I know that I should. Bad temper, got it from my mom, she's worse than I am though - suffers from "Dinosaur Brain" (when you see red and don't remember what happened after the fact).
Well if you made it this far through the reading I think that you deserve pictures! I realized that the pictures that I have aren't nearly as good as I lead myself to believe they were but, hey, hopefully you will enjoy them and I promise to do better next time. I'm going to try and possibly get an example of the Christmas flyer that I made since I am not currently distributing it.
It's hard to not just throw it all on the table because I would love to get the feedback from all of you. The only ones that I've gotten an opinion from are my mom and grandma and they are a biased source of criticism as well as not belonging or having any concept of the industry.
Hope that I didn't bore you to death...now on to the pictures!!
Magnet Faces that Morgan made from all the magnets we've collected
Couple of close ups:
It's an itty-bitty CRT! (post-it to help with perspective)
Side View
Shouldn't warnings be free from spelling errors?
This is an aluminum ring from inside a laptop hard drive....
and it makes the perfect scrapper fashion accessory!