Once again, I implore those using fictitious names to register your name. Let me explain to the naysayers, what could potentially happen. If I see your name, I can easily search and see if its been registered. If it has not, I could potentially register and trademark your name for myself. This leaves you open for some trouble by continuing to use your own name that you put in the time and effort to come up with.
You can actually just register as a doing business as and its pretty simple. Registering as an actual business is a much wiser decision for legal obligation. But for those just starting out without much a dba or doing business as will safeguard your name and keep any else from legally using it in the same state, giving YOU the advantage.
Using your actual given name is an alternative that many handymen/painters use. For example Joe Smith painting is a perfectly fine example. In some states you may even use your last name Smiths painting. You wouldn't need to do anything because Joe Smith is your legal name. Your ssn proves that. The downsides to this are pretty obvious, as you're less protected. Yes running an actual business can be a real pita but in a lawsuit happy world where worms seem to thrive a little research and due diligence will save you in the long run.
Perhaps when I'm looking to expand MY business YOUR well thought out fake unregistered will be a nice addition to MY business venture.