As I get started the process of going legit and trying to further develop my business I have been told my several of my friends/family that I need a Facebook page. I eventually made one. It's kind of a PITA to keep up with another ongoing thing but my wife has kinda owned it. She has a reoccurring thread called "What's in it Wednesday" where we take apart something and show what's inside of it and how we recycle each part (even silicon keypads!). I also list my current auctions on there to and I state if any of my friends/family buy something from me than I'll deliver it for free. It has been good to get my name out there and in the two weeks it's been going, I have already received a pick-up from it and hoping for more when it warms up. Right now I have some generic stolen clip art as my pic and cover photo but that is because LogoMojo is working on my logo design and I suspect it'll be a couple weeks before I get it wrapped up.

Here is the link, please go check it out, like it, and feel free to offer me any suggestions. If you'll post a link to your businesses Facebook page I'll do the same for you.

Jeremy Burrage