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  1. #1
    drop4sell started this thread.
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    Need Advice ??

    I am In california and want to open recycler business for electronics , I got all info from Government already and I am wondering how recyclers get computers , printersted , servers to start makeing money .

    Thanks for help guys

  2. #2
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drop4sell View Post
    I am In california and want to open recycler business for electronics , I got all info from Government already and I am wondering how recyclers get computers , printersted , servers to start makeing money .

    Thanks for help guys
    When you say
    I got all the info from the Government already
    which government is it you are talking about? State? Federal? County? City? And which entities? You do realize that you have to comply with OSHA, State EPA, Federal EPA, etc?

    Here are some sites you might want to check for California:

    CalRecycle Home Page

    eCycling Regulations/Standards | US EPA


    California E-Waste Law | Campaign For Recycling


    Safety and Health Topics | Hazardous Waste

    You need to have the proper permits, storage facilities, equipment, etc etc etc. E-Recycling is probably the most difficult business to actually conduct in the state of California. If you are just going to collect e-waste for sale to another entity, you would find it much easier. But if you are intent on actually doing the recycling, if I were you, I would start looking for an engineer who can submit the permits to the California and Federal EPA. I would also look into retaining a lawyer who has experience and can navigate the confusing legal issues in starting a recycling company. Also, you are going to want to look into what it's going to cost to insure such a business, or even if you can get insurance.

    As far as where recyclers get their material to recycle, that's easy. All the companies who currently collect e-waste are selling it to scrap yards, recyclers, etc. A lot of what is collected in the state of California is shipped outside the state because of how difficult California has made it for e-waste recycling. So if you can actually make this happen, I'm sure you will have no end to customers willing to sell you their e-waste.

    You can also do direct marketing via mailers, or canvassing. You can advertise in print, radio, TV and cable. You can cold call companies that generate e-waste. There are all the traditional ways to advertise your business. You can also look into doing drop off services such as battery and cell phone drop off sites, or even do a weekend collection in a parking lot. Obtaining the material is probably the easiest part of what you are proposing to do.

    At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes--an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense. -- Carl Sagan

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  4. #3
    Wolfwerx is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hahaha, I love it when somebody posts, "I'm starting a business, how do I [insert main point of business]?"

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  6. #4
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfwerx View Post
    Hahaha, I love it when somebody posts, "I'm starting a business, how do I [insert main point of business]?"
    I'm willing to help people who are interested in starting a business, I have started plenty of my own and received a lot of help doing so. But you can't tell someone how to start a business, you can only give someone advice. Lead them to water so to speak. So while I'm not going to give anyone my contacts or business partnerships I have developed on my own, I will tell them how to go about doing so themselves. If they choose to develop their own or not, is up to them.

    I think I understand what you are trying to say!


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  8. #5
    drop4sell started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by NobleMetalWorks View Post
    I'm willing to help people who are interested in starting a business, I have started plenty of my own and received a lot of help doing so. But you can't tell someone how to start a business, you can only give someone advice. Lead them to water so to speak. So while I'm not going to give anyone my contacts or business partnerships I have developed on my own, I will tell them how to go about doing so themselves. If they choose to develop their own or not, is up to them.

    I think I understand what you are trying to say!

    Thanks Scott , I know how to start business but i mean How to Get ewaste from business , people . How to sell it . That's what i mean .
    I see many ewaste recyclers here have alot of computers , printers , phones pallets but don't know how they get it .

    Thanks for help

  9. #6
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    I have been thinking about this for a long time to be honest. I would like to at some point in the future, set up a full blown e-waste/i-waste recycle facility. So while waiting as my solutions are digesting material, I spend a lot of time looking on the internet at auctions, companies, re-marketers, etc.

    There are a ton of places to get computers from. Schools are a great place, government auctions, city, county, state and federal, military government auctions, large corporations, business closures, pickup from residential areas. The people who scrap on this forum, and have this type of material are working their you know what off for it. Just read some of the threads, and you quickly realize that people who scrap are not only extremely industrious, but are very hard working individuals. You cannot make it in this business and be a slacker by any stretch of the imagination. There is prodigious amounts of information and discussion on the very questions you have all over this forum, if you use the search function you will be rewarded with a wealth of information beyond your imagination. Like I have said before, this is probably the single most important repository of scrapping/recycling information on the internet, anywhere in the world. Surely far more than any library or college. With this one resource you will find all the information you need to start and operate a successful business in this field.

    My point is this, you can ask questions all day and get the type of answers you see already in this thread. Or you can put in a little bit of the work that you are going to have to put in a lot of in the future and find everything you need right here.

    All you really have to do in this business is try as hard as you can, for as long as it takes, and you will be rewarded with a business you can be proud of, that will last your entire lifetime if you manage and operate it correctly.

    Last edited by NobleMetalWorks; 03-28-2013 at 01:25 PM.

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  11. #7
    Phantoms001 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by drop4sell View Post
    Thanks Scott , I know how to start business but i mean How to Get ewaste from business , people . How to sell it . That's what i mean .
    I see many ewaste recyclers here have alot of computers , printers , phones pallets but don't know how they get it .

    Thanks for help

    See Wolfwerx's post above...............That is HOW you start a business, you learn how to get ewaste and who to sell it to/what to do with it. If you haven't got that set, you DON'T know how to start the business.
    Last edited by Phantoms001; 04-02-2013 at 04:59 PM.

  12. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    There is prodigious amounts of information and discussion on the very questions you have all over this forum, if you use the search function you will be rewarded with a wealth of information beyond your imagination. Like I have said before, this is probably the single most important repository of scrapping/recycling information on the internet, anywhere in the world. Surely far more than any library or college. With this one resource you will find all the information you need to start and operate a successful business in this field.
    That's why we call this SMF University, cause that's the kind of info that is here.
    There are a ton of places to get computers from. Schools are a great place, government auctions, city, county, state and federal, military government auctions, large corporations, business closures, pickup from residential areas.
    Just don't get in too deep and pay too much for them. We even have articles on that.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  13. #9

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    Yes, you can simply follow the guidance and proper homework before starting the business....

  14. #10
    Electrowaste's Avatar
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    You start reading on this forum, then stop to get something to drink, check out the clock and it's Thursday!

  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by drop4sell View Post
    I am In california and want to open recycler business for electronics , I got all info from Government already and I am wondering how recyclers get computers , printersted , servers to start makeing money .

    Thanks for help guys

    Really it is SALES. The process is slightly modified but this is how you can get the most material. Sell yourself, or the service you are going to provide. It's the 10-2-1 for me. You will talk to 10 people all 10 might seem interested or not then you get 2 who are serious and 1 who works out. Money is a motivator. Free material is great but most people aren't motivated to give it to you. Gather your leads which is only limited by your creativity. A niche helps I have found. Knock on doors and network, then sell. Act professional and be honest, focus on serious long term prospects since they will generate material and revenue streams far into the future vs 1 time deals.

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  17. #12
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    Yes, you can easily follow the guidance and proper homework before beginning the business....

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