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Pricing recommendations for Ewaste.

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  1. #1
    beedubz started this thread.
    beedubz's Avatar
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    Pricing recommendations for Ewaste.

    I'm planning on going around to local business (computer repair shops, etc) and offering to haul their junk computer equipment. I'm not sure what I should be offering as far as a price list. Should I only take stuff that's free and if not can anyone give me a rough idea of what to pay for various items (towers, laptops, crt's etc). I understand that this varies by region so i'm just lookin for a rough idea. I will make adjustments based on region, etc.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    things to consider:
    feul for pickup and for turning in the scrap
    pricing your ewaste buyer gives you
    pricing for the shred and wiring

    That being said, the going rate is $3-5 complete towers $4-6 for complete towers in bulk and/or delivered. or .20-.25 lb

    most towers are worth $8-12 in scrap depending on who you sell to and whats in it. some of the small ones with the colored p4 boards are worth less.

  3. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Just as a general guideline many businesses like to double their money (yes, you can make it way more complicated).

    Pull up a price list from your buyer and start crunching numbers. Big scores you could probably offer more for the convenience factor.

    As always read some old threads on what others have done.
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  5. #4
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    If you are visiting computer stores, make sure to ask about li-ion laptop batteries. The people who sell them to me tell me that they often get them for $0.10 to 0.25 per pound. I pay $2 a pound. We talk to stores all the time that take them to places where they can drop them off for free. It would be a service to them for you to just pick them up. One happy scrapper recently told me that he picked up 650 pounds at 10 cents a pound and sold them to me for $2, making over $1200 in profit. All he did was put them in his car and drive them to me. Very few people will be competing with you in this market, so it can be a real service. If they are already selling their towers, etc to someone, chances are that person is not paying them for their li-ion laptop batteries.

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  7. #5
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    Beedubz, I spent a lot of time crunching numbers to come up with a single sheet price list for the shops I deal with. Turns out that the prices I pay have also picked up a couple of local recycling yards for me. I tried to build in pricing that I could keep to with the market swings. Feel free to use my price list if you want.

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  9. #6
    Phantoms001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beedubz View Post
    I'm planning on going around to local business (computer repair shops, etc) and offering to haul their junk computer equipment. I'm not sure what I should be offering as far as a price list. Should I only take stuff that's free and if not can anyone give me a rough idea of what to pay for various items (towers, laptops, crt's etc). I understand that this varies by region so i'm just lookin for a rough idea. I will make adjustments based on region, etc.

    Any help would be appreciated!
    A price sheet is tuff because you have to low ball to cover swings and you could be to low, which could possibly cause them to lose interest.

    Have you thought about just talking to people?

    It seems it would be much easier to have a list of what you will buy, ask them what they currently do with the material, and go from there. If they drop it off for free, you could just make a low ball offer and say you are willing to pick it up. If they are selling it, you can ask if they would be willing to sell the material to you if you can offer a better price and see what they are getting.
    Last edited by Phantoms001; 04-06-2013 at 12:21 PM.

  10. #7
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    Do you know who you are going to be selling too? If so figure out what margin you want to make and then set the price you need to buy at to make that margin. I'd recommend setting up an excel worksheet for it so when your buyer changes prices you can easily change your price list.

  11. #8
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I don't think the prices buyers pay have much to do with region. My local buyer's prices are right in line with ewasted and they are about 1200-1300 mile apart. There is another buyer that is about 5 miles away from my local buyer and his prices is about half of my buyer's prices. Some regions might not have an e-waste buyer so means that region is wide open. What you need to do is find a buyer local to you that you can trust (doesn't keep changing prices) get to know what he buys and how he wants it sorted. Take his prices and cut them in half and go from there. That will give you some room to increace your prices a little bit if you have to.

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