So I was at the scrap yard the other day, taking my cast aluminum and copper/brass, and had several people ask me about computer recycling. One guy said his brother had a ton of them and another told me his company had about 30 just laying around collecting dust. I reached in my wallet to grab a couple
business cards, and to my delight I was fresh out

I did however manager to get a hit on my craigslist ad for another few old TV's, some radios, and a 1970's style window AC which is a beast. Since this unit has R-12 in it, I'm wondering since its over 30 plus years old, if there is still any left inside. I plan on looking up dismantling info on here so I can know exactly what I'm dealing with, but any suggestions would be appreciated. I also got another repeat craigslist customer who is giving me some TV's and other electronics, along with 3 boxes of computer parts. I guess the moral of the story here, after my ranting on, is if you use business cards ALWAYS make sure you have them with you at all times. You never know when a potential customer might present themselves.