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They did and I went through the appeals process. They showed me the user agreement that was 30 pages long. Yes I agreed to the bidding terms and it was advertised as copper wire. Got it to the yard and the magnet stuck to it. I still have the wire loaded on one of my trailers and this happened almost a year ago. Internet auctions are not the same as auctioneers. They do not live by the same rules. Lesson learned on magnet, even if it says copper wire.
They would be getting a letter from My attorney and I would file a complaint with the BBB and the attorney general of the state they are operating out of. That is flagrant "false advertising" and being that you paid so much that is considered a felony. I da*n sure would not have waited a year to do something.
Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Hell, I filed charges with a county prosecutor when a Escap buyer bounced a check on me,,,