Originally Posted by
gb, why would you generally say no? im just curious
Simple really. 99% of the time, you buy something with the knowledge that you will make x $ in return for buying the item. You give the seller your price and they accept. You turn around, and sell it to a local buyer,
ebay buyer, long distance buyer etc for more than you expect. Let's say you buy for $10, and expect $15 from selling, so you make $5, and then end up selling instead for $50. You just made an extra $35 more than you expected to make. We would all consider that awesome.
Now regardless of what type of person you are, just because you made more than you thought, is no reason to go back to the seller and say "O hey, I made $35 more than I though, so here is an extra x amount $. There is no point or sense. Your deal with them is already done. They know you will sell for a profit, they are not going to care if you made more or less than you thought you would.
Sorry, if this is a tad bit confusing. I am really tired, and going through a lot of
ewaste to list on ebay.
PS. Not looking to start a big debate or anything else. I can see where the OP is coming from, so regardless if he decides on a kick back or not, good for him.