Originally Posted by
Some people spend so much time looking for angles that they couldn't see straight if they had box blinders on.
There truly is no gray area between right and wrong no matter how your contract is worded and what George might win in court.
Giving out bad advice on a daily basis in not helpful to myself or anyone who reads it so I make great effort not to waste anyone's time.
I have great disdain for schemers and coat-tailers looking for the fast buck with no regard for their fellow man on the other hand I really admire the dreamers who can apply imagination and originality with a little hard work to profit and benefit those around them.
The rest of us get by and appreciate the little things.
And why exactly is my name being thrown around in your post?
Who is talking about right and wrong here? He made a business deal. He paid 50% of shred price to the seller. Seller accepted. He sold it, and made $140 profit off the deal? Where is there anything regarding right and wrong here?
He did not lie to the guy, he did not pull a fast one over on him. He made a simple and legal business transaction.
When did I say anything in this thread of taking anyone to court?
When at any moment did I give out bad advice on this thread? All I have simple said, is that the OP made a business deal, and that deal is now concluded. That is the end of the deal. Seller is owed nothing more. Now if he wants to pay the guy more, or a gift card or take the money and take his wife out to dinner, it is all on him. Its his business and he can do what he wants. I have only shared my opinion like everyone else on here.
As far as the rest of your comment, I am not getting into a pi$$ing match with no one.
From now on, just leave me out of your little comments.