View Poll Results: Keep the money or split the profit?

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  • Split the profit

    29 69.05%
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Unexpected profit - Should I give a kickback?

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  1. #1
    TMoney started this thread.
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    Unexpected profit - Should I give a kickback?

    One of the guys I regularly get scrap from has a business replacing water pumps, and tanks. About once a month he gives me a load of mixed scrap from his business. I estimate the weight of the load and give him half of the shred value. This leaves me with a decent profit after processing the scrap.

    The last load was very small and only about 200lbs, so I gave him $10. One of the few items in the load was a submersible Gould's pump that he told me still worked. I looked it up, and saw that they sell for $700 new, so I put on the local classifieds. I stated that it was believed to be working but untested, and said make me an offer. I ended up getting $150 for it. Now I'm wondering if I should kick back some of the profit to my source, or just stick to our standard arrangement.

    Thanks for your input, and sorry this post was so long.
    Last edited by TMoney; 05-12-2013 at 10:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Electrowaste's Avatar
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    Personally, I would. It will concrete your relationship with him and that's what it's all about in this business. Just like you found him, someone else is looking for him and a 50$ bill leaves you with a nice gain and still shows him you appreciate the deal and that your honest. I live like that, because Karma can be a sweet lady sometimes. Others will have other opinions...
    Jeremy Burrage - Founder & CEO
    Electrowaste Recycling LLC, Guntersville, AL

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  4. #3
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    I'd give him alittle something. I have a story sort of like that. I went to the FedEx drop off place and the guy there is getting to know me. He noticed a small tear in one of the boxes I had and taped it up for me without asking. I thanked him and then bought a roll of tape just to show the appreciation. It wasn't much but I always take care of the people that help me out.

    Who knows what else your guy has laying around that he never thought to bring you.

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  6. #4
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I would go back to the man that gives(sells) his scrap to you and tell him that you sold that pump and offer to split the money with him. This will keep you in a good relationship with him and he might get you more pumps like that in the future. Just my .02

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  8. #5
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    Give him a little extra. It goes a long way. I have done similar deals and usually pays you back in a hurry.

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  10. #6
    catfishsolich's Avatar
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    Take care of your regulars. I'd throw him 50 bucks. Next month he might have more resale items for you if he knows you'll do the extra work and still take care of him.

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  12. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    OH!! by the way, congrates on the score.

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  14. #8
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    split the profit it will come back around tenfold
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  16. #9
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    Your deal is to give him 50% of the sale price of the scrap metal, so give him 50% if you sell a piece for more than that.

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  18. #10
    TMoney started this thread.
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    Thanks all for the quick replies. I can see that everyone is on the same page here.

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  20. #11
    TMoney started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy View Post
    Your deal is to give him 50% of the sale price of the scrap metal, so give him 50% if you sell a piece for more than that.
    Just for clarification, we never really made an actual deal. He started giving me the scrap for free, and I started offering him the 50%. I'm sure that by now he expects the money, but it's never actually been discussed as "our deal". My wording in the OP may have been misleading.

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  22. #12
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Karma is always good to have in the bank...and this would be a good deposit.

    Split it.

    Sirscrapalot - To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. - Thomas Edison

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  24. #13
    sledge's Avatar
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    Yup.. Broken Record here... Split it with him.. He will have an even more keen eye to find things for you.. Heck he may know an HVAC contractor, may have a buddy who owns a body shop.. possibilities are endless.. you don't know who he knows and networking in this game.. is a huge part of getting things flow your way!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  26. #14
    parrothead's Avatar
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    One more vote for flipping him some extra cash. Karma is good. I always do that with my suppliers. I will flip them something extra when I get more than anticipated. It keeps them coming back.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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  28. #15
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    I would generally say no! However, as long as he understand that this is not a normal thing that generally happens, I would do it.

    Like everyone will come back to pay off big!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  30. #16
    corycouch's Avatar
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    gb, why would you generally say no? im just curious
    expect the worst and hope for the best
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  31. #17
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    gb, why would you generally say no? im just curious
    Simple really. 99% of the time, you buy something with the knowledge that you will make x $ in return for buying the item. You give the seller your price and they accept. You turn around, and sell it to a local buyer, ebay buyer, long distance buyer etc for more than you expect. Let's say you buy for $10, and expect $15 from selling, so you make $5, and then end up selling instead for $50. You just made an extra $35 more than you expected to make. We would all consider that awesome.

    Now regardless of what type of person you are, just because you made more than you thought, is no reason to go back to the seller and say "O hey, I made $35 more than I though, so here is an extra x amount $. There is no point or sense. Your deal with them is already done. They know you will sell for a profit, they are not going to care if you made more or less than you thought you would.

    Sorry, if this is a tad bit confusing. I am really tired, and going through a lot of ewaste to list on ebay.

    PS. Not looking to start a big debate or anything else. I can see where the OP is coming from, so regardless if he decides on a kick back or not, good for him.
    Last edited by GeorgeB; 05-13-2013 at 12:56 AM.

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  33. #18
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    deal is a deal. your word is your word. a split is a split. at least offer him his share, Karma is a bitc*.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  35. #19
    Re-cycler is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    You only get one chance to prove that your word is good and no matter how quietly you said half to the guy you put it in type right here.
    There is no amount of money that could take the place of my word.
    I was given an opportunity last year by a neighbor that is just a nice guy who is near retirement but still works hard every day during the farming season even though he is quite well off.
    First he asked me if I could get rid of an old 3000 gal steel upright liquid fertilizer tank which I torched down enough to get on my trailer with his help. I turned down his offer to pay me for my time and told him I made enough off the scrap.After showing me around the farm he accepted a very low dollar offer that I made on a portable feed grinder that I thought might work well for grinding plastics.I paid him the agreed amount of $200. later that day which he tried to decline but I insisted and after I gave him the money he insisted that I take all his scrap and would not take a dime more.
    There was well over $500 worth of steel that I hauled in and other stuff that I still have out here.
    He goes south for the winter and as the months went by I found that the buyers do not want ground plastic and also that the hammer mill is in perfect condition as well as all the hydraulics and sheet metal so I list it on CL for $1500 and the replies start coming in. it took a few months but one offer came stating that they wanted to send me the money sight unseen.
    My words to that person were "As much as I would like to take your money I think you need to see the machine and if you still want it you can pay me , it will be right here til you have the time to come get it".
    He spent 5 minutes looking at it and cut me a check on the spot. it was over a month before he was able to get back to pick it up.
    I just saw the guy I got it from and told him how much I sold it for and that I owed him something more, he laughed and told me the locals (our other neighbors) had come around wanting it but wouldn't even give him the $500 he was asking for it.( he never told me a price but asked me what it was worth and what I could pay for it)
    I now have his tractor listed on CL for him an 84 Stieger for $22000.oo and when it sells I will not take a dime.
    There is way more to life than money
    Last edited by Re-cycler; 05-13-2013 at 03:24 AM.

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  37. #20
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    It says in the OP your agreement is for half the shred value. SHRED value, not resale value. Reselling involves more work, placing an ad, meeting the buyer, haggling, etc. I seem to be in the minority here but keep the money, unless you feel you are somehow being dishonest, which by my reading you are not. Remember, you made a trip to the guy for a ten dollar bill.

    I'll give you an example from my business. I do junk removal. I charge $425 for one full truckload of material removed regardless of what it is, unless the load is very heavy dense or wet. Otherwise, I charge the same whether I am hauling bags of trash or the entire contents of an estate. At the time of the removal I have an agreed upon price before work begins.

    With an estate I have the guys bring everything back to the warehouse (this is the entire purpose of spending money on a warehouse!) for sorting. I am typically selling a couple grand a month worth of stuff. I then go through the work of sorting, cleaning, and otherwise making things sellable. Then I either transport items to an auction house or a consignment shop, OR I store them further while I photograph, write ads, research the item so I know what I'm selling and can protect my precious feedback, and finally list and hopefully sell the item on CL or Evilbay.

    When I finally DO sell an item, do I have an obligation to go back to my source and pay part of the profits? Of course not. That was extra work and expense on my part. Had I just done what I was contracted to do, hauling their junk away, I would have gone straight to the dump, dropped everything, and moved on to my next load. My obligation ends when I drive the truck away from their property.

    Had you driven away and thrown that pump in your shred pile, would the customer have expected anything extra? Of course not. You had an agreed upon price, you paid, customer is happy, you're happy, end of transaction. Had the customer wanted more for the pump, he could have sold it himself. But he was willing to sell it to you for shred value, which he did.

    Am I the only filthy capitalist pig on here? Or am I the only one willing to be honest?

    And now TMoney, with all of that being said, act as your conscience guides you. If you are looking for absolution over keeping a little windfall profit, I hereby grant it my son. If you feel better cutting your customer in, then by all means do so. It will certainly generate some good will.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
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