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The Burly Thread: Charging for your services - Page 3

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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Removed a fridge for an old lady she wants to give you $10.00, she already gave you ice tea and cookies while you were there... You advertised for free removal, do you take the $10?
    of course you take the 10 bucks ....

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  3. #42
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    My brother and I have a junk removal business and the way we do things is we charge for all clean up jobs. Then we have what is considered our local area of about 20 miles in any direction and Appliances, Scrap Metal, and Escrap is free picup. Outside our local area is min of $20 depending how far we must go just to cover fuel. If a customer has a quick pickup item that doesn't require a trailer and doesnt fall into the above category then we charge according to what it is and how far we have to go for it and to the landfill. With us being a small outfit right now, this system is working really good for us. Not to many expenses right now, so that helps us with our prices.i also posted our prices and services on our business FB page and have seen an increase in our customers. So i guess my thought is sometimes you need to charge for your services and sometimes get the metal, escrap, ect. for free cause that customer you picked up that free dryer for may have a good paying cleanup job in the future.

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  5. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Ever seen a waitress turn down a tip?
    Yes but in a country where they get paid a living wage.

    I have done both as a small time business charging when it is necessary. Most of my pickups are free unless they require labor. I charge for my labor because that is how i eat. pulling fridges out of basements, tearing up old delapitated campers in someones backyard. barn and shed clean outs these are charged jobs. if someone puts a washer dryer in their yard and calls me it is free no labor. or someone has a pile in their garage easy access no charge.

    That's how I roll
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  7. #44
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    Lot of good opinions on here.
    Cold hard facts.
    If you have to charge more than someone is willing to pay then you have exceeded the market value of your service/product.
    If you have a larger operation then you have more investment and must realize a greater profit in order to realize a suitable rate of return on your investment.
    Smaller operation has less cost and therefore higher rate of return but smaller net return.
    Depending on how you market your business depends on how much investment is required.
    Clean out business versus say a recycle business versus a removal business etc...

    So all of you are some what correct due to the way you market and sell your services.
    Think of it this way...

    If you want to go from Texas to New York there are a lot of ways to get there. Each one has it's advantages and disadvantages.
    You should travel the route that best suits your needs and resources.
    Doesn't make anyone more correct than the other just makes it different.
    You can make money 2 ways.
    1 - Do what others won't.
    2 - Do what others can't.

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  9. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    I will stress "I got this for free" thrown around way too much...At a minimum you got "it" for the cost of your Overhead. The lower your Overhead the more competitive you can be with your competition.
    Can I call that water heater someone throw on my trailer while I was at work "free" ?
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

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  11. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by VERYOLDGUY View Post

    Think of it this way...

    If you want to go from Texas to New York there are a lot of ways to get there.
    I lived in Texas a longgg time, and New York was the one place I never wished to go to! haha ; )

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  13. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Can I call that water heater someone throw on my trailer while I was at work "free" ?
    That or Icing on the Cake!
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  15. #48
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    Icing it is !

  16. #49
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    Nothing to see here! Carry on!

    Sirscrapalot - Iced chocolate chip cookies are groovy.

  17. #50
    happyisthealero's Avatar
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    I would love to charge, but for the most part I pick up computer items for free How do I start charging and still make money off of the computer scrap with out the customer getting PO at me?

  18. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Removed a fridge for an old lady she wants to give you $10.00, she already gave you ice tea and cookies while you were there... You advertised for free removal, do you take the $10?
    Yes, consider it a tip. Can you afford not to?

  19. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyisthealero View Post
    I would love to charge, but for the most part I pick up computer items for free How do I start charging and still make money off of the computer scrap with out the customer getting PO at me?
    1 - How would the customer know you are making money both ways unless YOU tell them?
    2 - What is wrong with making money?
    3 - Don't you have business costs to cover?
    4 - If you have to drive a distance, you have fuel costs running in the $4.00/gal range or about 40 cents EVERY mile. One computer will gross about $10 (that is not profit that is GROSS)
    5 - Depends on the quantity of computers you are picking up. if it's a truck load then no need to charge if you don't want to. If it's 1, 2 or even 10, then you should reconsider.


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  21. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    I lived in Texas a longgg time, and New York was the one place I never wished to go to! haha ; )
    Well....Never been to NY either, but I sure do like Texas. You guys ever leave the union and I will be moving my whole family.

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  23. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Removed a fridge for an old lady she wants to give you $10.00, she already gave you ice tea and cookies while you were there... You advertised for free removal, do you take the $10?
    Yes I would. It makes her feel better, and I sure could use it.

  24. #55
    happyisthealero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycleBin View Post
    1 - How would the customer know you are making money both ways unless YOU tell them?
    2 - What is wrong with making money?
    3 - Don't you have business costs to cover?
    4 - If you have to drive a distance, you have fuel costs running in the $4.00/gal range or about 40 cents EVERY mile. One computer will gross about $10 (that is not profit that is GROSS)
    5 - Depends on the quantity of computers you are picking up. if it's a truck load then no need to charge if you don't want to. If it's 1, 2 or even 10, then you should reconsider.

    your making a lot of good points TRB I will reconsider and recalculate, I never even thought about how much it costs me per gallon thanks

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  26. #56
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    Profit isn"t a bad word gouging is if what you are doing seems grossly excessive you should look at how you are doing things

    imho of you aren"t making $1 a minute something is wrong i buy metal and average that # but i have to watch my costs as well
    Liberty Towing & Recycling
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  28. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Libertytow View Post
    Profit isn"t a bad word gouging is if what you are doing seems grossly excessive you should look at how you are doing things

    imho of you aren"t making $1 a minute something is wrong i buy metal and average that # but i have to watch my costs as well
    I agree that gouging (greed) is bad and that it is what is at the root of many of our social problems today. However, making a profit in business has been Demonized by many of the less energetic crowd (class envy) who don't know the difference or understand that profit is how you grow your business. Just to clarify, the term "gross profit" refers to income BEFORE expenses, not "excessive profit" as some have come to believe.

    I heard a saying once that is very true - "The best thing you can do for the poor is NOT be one of them". The only way to not be one of them is to make a profit and then use it for good purposes. Those purposes can be as simple as buying a new truck (keeps the assemble line workers employed), add another person to you payroll, or donate some to a charity of YOUR choice. Without profit you can't do any of this. The problem is, to many people have been brainwashed into thinking that somehow this is a bad thing.

    Even the Bible says that money is OK, it is the "love of money that is the root of all evil" - it is the "love" - translated "greed" - that gets us in trouble.

    Never promote greed, be fair and honest in all you do, and help others succeed is how we do business.

    Time to get to work. Have a great week.

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