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The Burly Thread: Charging for your services

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    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    The Burly Thread: Charging for your services

    You know, we have had a number of conversations on here since I've joined about whether to charge for our services. The way i figure it, there are several demographics on here.

    Some of us are individuals working alone. Others, such as myself, have employees and multiple vehicles and a facility of some type.

    Of the business owners, there are two types. (Maybe more, but this is what occurs to me.). There are those who are on the truck, and there are those who generally are not. I fall into the latter category.

    In my business, I have every intention of growing it into something much larger. As such, I feel that the division of labor is such that my employees responsibility is to DO the jobs, and it is my responsibility to make sure they HAVE jobs to do. Therefore, when I send a crew to do a job, there are expenses that MUST be covered.

    Fuel and insurance and maintenance on the trucks, wages and insurance on the employees are the direct expenses. The indirect expenses are a facility to work from, a marketing budget, an admin to keep things in order, and the list goes on.

    The down and dirty of it is if I send guys to do a job, they have to generate $100 of revenue per hour. GASP! You are SHOCKED! How can Burly in good conscience charge that much?

    Simple mathematics. I pay two guys to be on the truck. Lets say for the sake of simple math I pay them each $10 hourly. Lets add in FICA, FUTA, workers comp insurance and all the other alphabet soups that add to our costs. Again for the sake of simple math, lets say the additional cost is 30%. That means when I send a truck out it is costing me $26.00 hourly for wages alone. Now add in fuel insurance and maintenance on the trucks. I don't have good numbers on those, althought Liberty and Cory probably do, and I'm in many ways not a good businessman for NOT knowing what those numbers are. For the sake of argument lets say those numbers are $20 hourly. That's probably on the low side.

    Now while I do my share of scrapping, and selling items we acquire, much of what I remove has to be disposed of, and there is a cost associated with that. Now we're already ay $46.00 per hour without disposal costs, which for most of you is usually not a factor.

    Incidentally, admin, it occurs to me that this thread should probably be a sticky, it's going to generate some discussion on this topic! Any business worth it's salt generally tries to double its investment. So as you can see by what I have written, I am probably NOT CHARGING ENOUGH!

    Yes, you are generating revenue by selling your scrap, and any items selling for more than scrap value. But are you generating enough?

    I contend that even if you are a one man/woman with a pickup truck operating out of your garage, you need to be charging the SAME RATES or BETTER! If you are doing services for free, you are losing money!

    The floor is now open for discussion...
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
    Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

  2. #2
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Some of us are individuals working alone.
    Maybe you could do a poll, but I'm thinking you lended merely 7 words in your analysis to cover what I'm also thinking is the majority of people on the forum, and in the field. Also, of the many levels you extended towards being a full time, employee based business, there are at least as many differing levels of simply being a recycler. Not everybody does it to make a mint, or even to become a business. There are many who do it more towards being environmentally friendly, and although we appreciate it covering its own costs, would likely be doing it anyway ; )
    Or maybe I'm in the minority here, haha : )
    Last edited by Bear; 06-09-2013 at 10:52 PM.

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  4. #3
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    You hit it right on the head Burly,I like you don,t go out on the trucks any more,the wheel has manny spokes and the wheel goes around when every body does there job.The mistake manny scrapers make is they do not consider them self a skilled trade,s man.In the end we are service providers,We provide a service and when labor is involved you have to be compensated for your man hours and expenses,I can not afford to work for free nor should we be expected to.We charge a fair price and do a good job,this is not a hobby for me,when Friday comes every body needs there pay and it is always there for them.I guess what I am trying to tell the newbies is knowledge is a wonderful thing to waste don,t under estimate its value,

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    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1956 View Post
    when Friday comes every body needs there pay and it is always there for them.I guess what I am trying to tell the newbies is knowledge is a wonderful thing to waste don,t under estimate its value,
    I get a kick out of people telling me I charge too much, then out the other side of their mouths they want to know why I don't pay my employees more...

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  8. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    I get a kick out of people telling me I charge too much, then out the other side of their mouths they want to know why I don't pay my employees more...
    Getting beat up over $500 on some folks $600,000 Dream Home was always a some point you have to bring them back to earth by saying, "I know you folks are barely getting by, but..."
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  10. #6
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    There are many who do it more towards being environmentally friendly, and although we appreciate it covering its own costs, would likely be doing it anyway ; )
    Or maybe I'm in the minority here, haha : )
    Bear, do you really think anyone does this just to be environmentally friendly? I think most do this so they can eat.

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  12. #7
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Bear, do you really think anyone does this just to be environmentally friendly? I think most do this so they can eat.

    To say most do it so they can eat is lacing it up quite a bit. Sadly enough Burly, far too few give a care about the environment. Although I know for sure some do it to eat, I believe you'll find a much larger number seeking to locate the gold bar inside a computer, and as speedily as possible. Although there are all combinations in between, you'll no doubt find that chart to be extremely top heavy ; )

  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Bear, do you really think anyone does this just to be environmentally friendly? I think most do this so they can eat.
    Yep that is my situation for sure. The environmentally part is a benefit of what we do IMO.
    This nation is all about the money and its circulation, the problem is that it is circulating to the few and not the blue collar folks who can generate the demand for things and build it on the supply side.
    I also understand the OP's predicament, and how those ignorant about the process think you are making a huge windfall on their scrap.They don't consider the overhead that includes employees and insurance for guys like him, bit also cost the curbco survival scrapper like me in fuel and vehicle maintenance etc...
    I never knew how much waste was generated, and the expense associated with it, until I found myself needing to become a scrapper
    out of need.
    Maybe educating folks that this is a legitimate business with expenses, and not just for crack/meth heads, might help.

  14. #9
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    My 85 year old father in law has 8 palm trees on his property, no one will cut them for free! But the range to cut them is $35.00 each to $15.00 each! So a range of $280.00 - $120.00. He waits and gets his price! Just don't out price your bids / offers!!!!

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  16. #10
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    My 85 year old father in law has 8 palm trees on his property, no one will cut them for free! But the range to cut them is $35.00 each to $15.00 each! So a range of $280.00 - $120.00. He waits and gets his price! Just don't out price your bids / offers!!!!
    Yeah, I wouldn't get that job. There's not a tree in the world I would cut down for 35 bucks.

    Of course, hobo, let us not forget you live in Arizona, the state with the lowest average hourly pay rate in the US. What percentage of the laborers are illegals, 90%?
    Last edited by BurlyGuys; 06-10-2013 at 06:58 AM.

  17. #11
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Yeah, I wouldn't get that job. There's not a tree in the world I would cut down for 35 bucks.

    Of course, hobo, let us not forget you live in Arizona, the state with the lowest average hourly pay rate in the US. What percentage of the laborers are illegals, 90%?
    Not cut down, climb up 30 - 35 feet and cut off the dead palms! And yea the lowest bids don't speak that much english! LOL

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  19. #12
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Not cut down, climb up 30 - 35 feet and cut off the dead palms! And yea the lowest bids don't speak that much english! LOL
    WTF! Really?!?!?

    The lowest bids can have all of THAT work that they want!

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  21. #13
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    I understand where your coming from Burly...maybe even more so. Four hourly crews framing and trimming houses plus another 2-3 sub crews trimming houses that I couldn't get too. Did all my own books and payroll and kept materials and nails flowing so there was little down time as possible. When things started slowing down after 9/11 I quit replacing guys if they quit or were fired till there were two carpenters left then I set them up in their own business and worked solo for about 5-6 years doing basements, baths and kitchens. Lot of stress involved covering the bills for your own family and then when you take on a boatload of other families you have to make dam sure the money's flowing in and payroll is seamless for you and all your employees.

    Your kind of comparing apples to oranges here because like you said, you are needing to dispose of other peoples junk some of which has no value and you have to pay to dispose of it. When I arrange for a pick up it is all metal and has at least scrap value, there are limits to how far I will drive for it depending on the quantity. And sometimes I, like others will even pay to play...most businesses do pay for inventory don't they??

    Bottom have to know what the value of the "Lot" is, you have to know your operating costs and you have to know what you are happy making. Now I don't often disclose what I make but I assure you I have been used to making good money most of my adult life I prefer good beef for dinner.

    My customers are happy not paying, they about sh!t themselves when I offer to pay. No more brain damage from having employees, and breaking stuff and getting paid is all the therapy I need.

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  23. #14
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    first I want to say good post burly and you kinda put me on the spot so ill try to answer

    I keep insurance on two trucks full coverage 130 a month
    diesel fuel 350 a week or 1400 a month
    I don't service often enough but about twice a year per truck at about $100 for all filters and oil
    im not sure what it breaks down to the mile to expense ratio
    this doesn't include the bearing replaced last week or rotors and brake pads on occasion, im lucky and have a tire machine, it has kept me from being in the red more times than I can count.

    we are in two different kinds of business over all, I do few clean ups and you do many and the opposite on cars. we have to substain a volume of cars to make ends meet and I get the occasional car I can flip(check out the new album feature) that sometimes makes my week or even month. I never pay over scrap price even on the best cars I get but I make it a point to pay more than my competition, off topic but if I get a call for a car I cant get that's too nice I forward them to a car dealer I would have sold it to anyway and get a finders fee.

    im still the guy on the truck and who knows where im headed, I make probably 75% of the decisions and dustin and steve make the rest and most of our decisions are made on the fly based on phone calls

    burly I agree wholeheartedly on one point you make, I have learned when its time to get dirty if possible I let dustin do it
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
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  25. #15
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I will stress "I got this for free" thrown around way too much...At a minimum you got "it" for the cost of your Overhead. The lower your Overhead the more competitive you can be with your competition.

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  27. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    I will stress "I got this for free" thrown around way too much...At a minimum you got "it" for the cost of your Overhead. The lower your Overhead the more competitive you can be with your competition.
    Can I call that water heater someone throw on my trailer while I was at work "free" ?
    Alvord iron and salvage
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Can I call that water heater someone throw on my trailer while I was at work "free" ?
    That or Icing on the Cake!

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  31. #18
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Those are the BEST, aren't they? ;-)

  32. #19
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    Yeah my dad is self employed. He installs carpet, and most of the time during the summers I help him out, sometimes we have to rip out the old carpet, if we would do that for free we'd be losing alot of money cause we got to clean everything up and waste time, if its a small bedroom, he'd only get a 150 bucks. If theres rip out, and its not charged he's losing money. Cause we rip it out, haul it away, and have to handle it a second time to load it in the dumpster at the carpet store. So when I first started, anytime I get someone wanting me to tear something down, I always say it will cost you, and most of the time they turn their heads on that.

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  34. #20
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    I wish I could charge people to clean up their scrap but in this neck of the woods "free" scrap is in short supply so if you want to scrap you better be willing to buy!

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