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New To EWaste Scrap ...Need Help

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  1. #1
    drop4sell started this thread.
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    New To EWaste Scrap ...Need Help

    I am New to This Business , I found a lot of Ewaste Scrapper in my area , They go a lot of computers , Printers and Network Equipment everyday , They told me they have contracts with big companies to get these machines from them , I need help to how to contact companies and how to offer them to take equipment from them .

    I need help with this business .


  2. #2
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    I'm glad that you['re willing to take on a big task.. quesiton is,, are you able to do it, are you able to break them down and get them where You need to get them to be refined or sold to a middle man.?

    Do you've the tools, knowledge of what type of boards are what.? Do You've any money set to the side to purchase such ewaste.? do you know how much You're willing to pay for such items,
    Have you consider insurance incase you break or run into someone property. alot of factors comes into play, I would be happy to help You, but You've to be willing to take cristiism to heart.. and use it.

    Pm Me and I'll be happy to answer any quesiton that you may have.
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
    also our Prices are listed here
    PC Scrappers LLC
    623 S LYON ST SUUTE 200Sioux Falls, SD 57104

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  4. #3
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    If a company already has a contract in place, it's probably for a specific amount of time, and will usually come up to re-bid sometime in the future. You might want to ask them when it is available to bid on again.

    If your intent is to create a business, then you need to start there. Get a business license, a resale license, permits, etc. Also look like to the esteward program, as well since you live in California, look into being a licensed recycler so you can accept for example Al cans and be reimbursed for receiving them. If you have these licenses in place, you will be far more likely to land the type of jobs you are attempting to land.

    But first your business, you also need to decide exactly what it is you intend to do, identify your customers both buyers, and sellers. Look at your demographics, companies in your area, I could go on and on but this is really business 101.

    The point is, before you attempt to land these larger accounts, there is a lot more you need to accomplish if you have not already.

    At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes--an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense. -- Carl Sagan

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