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Being safe in rough neighborhoods

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    billygoat started this thread.
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    Being safe in rough neighborhoods

    I received an email from someone who lives in an area known to be, at minimum, semi-rough and I have a scheduled pick up to make there on Friday. I checked the address given to me by doing a "reverse address" search on the White Pages site and it matches up to the name. I usually do this anyway, but not all the time. That definitely makes me a little less nervous.

    The biggest reason I got a bit apprehensive is because of the conversation via email. He initiated contact via email and I replied with the earliest time frame I'm available. I said I was available Friday in the early afternoon or evening and asked him to set the time for his convenience. He responded with, "friday early morning works for me, im usally up at 630 and i dont have anything to do until later in the evening (sic)."

    So I replied that I couldn't make it any earlier than early afternoon because of other commitments. (This is the truth, by the way, not something I made up.) But if he wasn't going to be busy until the evening, then would early afternoon work? His reply was, "Early afternoon would be fine, turns out im not going to be busy until later in the evening (sic)." So I agreed to meet him in the early afternoon. No actual time.

    The only other thing that makes me wonder is when he said something along the lines of having a "pretty good size pile of everything" I have listed on my site. Really? Everything? Most of the time people tend to be vague, maybe even a bit lazy, and don't give a very good description of what they have and that can make it a bit tough to be prepared ahead of time. But when someone says "everything" that really makes me wonder.

    Okay, so maybe it's no big deal. Lots of folks have troubles with communication. When I'm preoccupied, it can happen to me as well. But still, when someone has difficulties with simple communication, and then slightly changes their story (turns out I'm not going to be busy until evening) I get a bit, well, let's say curious about honest intentions. So that's why I did a White Pages search to be sure that at least the name and address match up. If it didn't, no way would I agree to meet there.

  2. #2
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    BG...I have the luxury of having a second phone. As my kids have grown and moved out, I kept 1 line just for CL, fleecebay, etc. The extra 9.99, to keep a basic phone and service, allows me to deal with humans via voice without giving out my personal number. I will not go meet anyone, ANYWHERE, unless I have made phone contact. I am getting to old, and know how to make good beans and cornbread, so I am not hungry enough to do it any other way.

    On another note, and it was discussed sometime ago in another thread...follow your gut feeling! If it says NO...please don't go!!

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    billygoat started this thread.
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    Thanks, BroJer. In fact, I have done that twice that I can remember. One that really sticks out was when someone wanted to meet at a tennis court that was semi-secluded in a rough stretch of town. I said no, meet me at a Tim Horton's nearby instead. Never heard back from them. Oh, I remember the other one now. It was actually a misspelled name, if that can be possible. Insisted on meeting at my place and his story about why I couldn't meet at his place (or even at a Tim Horton's) kept changing with each email. So I just stopped communicating with him. But I'm pretty much okay with this one.

    Phone calls are not a possibility with me since I'm hard of hearing and can't hear over the phone. So I prefer email or text messaging. Besides, the info is written down and easier to find, no need to search for misplaced notes and addresses.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Well mister Billy,

    Brojer offered some good advice, go with your gut. I will add to it by saying..tell someone else where your going. Leave the address, time your going, the guy's contact number, with that person. If you have a cell, call them when you get there, or close an tell'm..if you don't call them back in 15 minutes or whatever you feel is a good amount of time, to call the police. Just remember to call them! Heh. Or them right before you get there an ask them to call you back in 5 minutes, an have some kinda code set up. As in..if everything is ok, use something like.."Yes dear, I'll get it on my way home, shouldn't be long." Have one for if things aren't an you feel even more concerned. An then tell the guy you gotta go.

    Granted my advice is probably overly cautious but you only got one life, I'd rather be super silly cautious then not an be screwed, ya know? I always have something on me to defend myself, whether a can of pepper spray, a big ass bat, tools of some kind, a pocket knife, etc. I don't bring the guns with me, or none of that. That's for the protection of my family, an home. If you got dogs..maybe bring one with you, or bring a buddy. Now granted my sand bar doesn't have many places like this, an I know most the folks I'm going to pick up from when I do such things, but the above is what I would do in the city or bigger areas where you have bad side's of town, etc.

    I find just being aware is good defense. Don't stand close, don't be led off alone, stay in view of other houses/people if you can. Don't go in the house if your concerned at all. Have him bring the stuff out. Just make an excuse for why you can't come in, etc. Again better safe then sorry.

    Likely nothing to worry over, but again..better safe then sorry.

    Good luck an let us know how it turns out! Edit to add: I forgot you were hard of hearing till seeing your reply to Brojer..change call to text in my advice.

    Sirscrapalot - The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense. - Jerry Smith or so QuotesDonkey says..haha!

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    Victor is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Having a CC permit and a Glock 19 at the ready never hurts either.

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    cummins is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Rent a marine lol. Out of all my army buddies I didn't go over seas. I highly recomend taking a friend with a huge combat beerd, fresh off the plane.

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  12. #7
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    I know that I get "I have a bit of everything" pretty often. Most people don't want to take the time to list every single item they have and say something like that. I wouldn't be too worried about that. As far as saying his plans got cancelled, I wouldn't worry too much about that either. Things happen and plans get cancelled. I'd take some precautions but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

    Oh, and I wouldn't take too much extra cash with you just in case
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    billygoat started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victor View Post
    Having a CC permit and a Glock 19 at the ready never hurts either.
    That doesn't help. Sorry. It's about being careful before even committing to head out to the location.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap man View Post
    Oh, and I wouldn't take too much extra cash with you just in case
    Great minds think alike, I guess. I was already planning on doing just that.

  14. #9
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    This guy is probably wondering the same thing about you! LOL

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  16. #10
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    This guy is probably wondering the same thing about you! LOL
    Well now, that's nothing unusual.

  17. #11
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Good luck an let us know how it turns out!

    Sirscrapalot - The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense. - Jerry Smith or so QuotesDonkey says..haha!
    Hope you don't mind I left the quote up there. Will get back to that in a minute.

    First of all, it all turned out well. We had a few more back-and-forth emails and the things he said put me at ease.

    I only had $35.00 on me and the first thing I told him (in person) was that either I could write a check for the difference or we can load up the truck and ride together to the nearest ATM. He accepted choice #2 with no reservations. Only bummer was that the ATM I was going to got pulled out by my bank, so I had to pay an extra $2.50 in ATM fees at a bank a few buildings down or drive out to another branch. C'est la vie.

    Now to the quote: Without common sense, the door to safety will hit you in the arse.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Don't mind at your own quote is right on. Glad it all worked out for ya!

    I'm now stealing your own quote for my bag of quotes(if ya don't mind) .

    Sirscrapalot - Leaving a trail of quotes in his wake.

  20. #13
    billygoat started this thread.
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    I don't mind. Help yourself!

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  22. #14
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Glad it turned out good. Always good to be cautious and follow your gut.
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    scrapGAME is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    never meet anyone anywhere ... if i don't have an address i don't go simple as that ... not only go i google street the address but if it seems shady i always ride by first like 5 mins early just to check everything out ...

  25. #16
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
    ~ I could write a check for the difference or we can load up the truck and ride together to the nearest ATM. He accepted choice #2 with no reservations.
    The first thing I thought of was getting robbed of the cash you bring to the deal.

    Then I thought about saying "I will not bring Ca$h, but we will go to a nearby ca$hflow machine & get the ca$h"

    Then I thought about that, maybe better not to mention "The closest cashflow machine" as that may give them the idea of having someone hide by the machine before you get there & you getting robbed of ALL the money in the cashflow account....

  26. #17
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    Mapping your way is a MUST! I live and do pick ups in some poorer sections of town. I do not pay for pick ups unless it is a HUGE amount of towers, so not having cash does not apply to me. However, a lot of folks want me to come into their home to retrieve said items. I refuse to enter anyone's home (unless it is an elderly couple) because I do not want to pay for any damages that I may have or may not have caused. In court it would be your word against theirs. I have a friend that is waiting on a court date right now, because of this very situation.

    I refuse to carry a gun or large knife. However, my pocket knife stays with me as does a small aluminum bat, that saltwater fishermen use for knocking out their catch. I am aware that neither of my puny weapons would stand a chance against a gun. Although if someone tries to 'roll' me without a firearm, they are going to pay for it dearly...

    Caution is a must when dealing with the public. There are a lot of nice people in the world. It is the desperate addicts out there that I worry about the most. It is rare for a hard working man to rob you because his car insurance is due ...

    Be safe out there guys n gals.

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    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by cummins View Post
    Rent a marine lol. Out of all my army buddies I didn't go over seas. I highly recomend taking a friend with a huge combat beerd, fresh off the plane.
    "And you're gonna what with what mofo?" (kiwi's got a mental picture of crim on ground trying to remove gun from **** by grabbing at barrell).
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 08-15-2013 at 11:49 PM.

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