I received an email from someone who lives in an area known to be, at minimum, semi-rough and I have a scheduled pick up to make there on Friday. I checked the address given to me by doing a "reverse address" search on the White Pages site and it matches up to the name. I usually do this anyway, but not all the time. That definitely makes me a little less nervous.

The biggest reason I got a bit apprehensive is because of the conversation via email. He initiated contact via email and I replied with the earliest time frame I'm available. I said I was available Friday in the early afternoon or evening and asked him to set the time for his convenience. He responded with, "friday early morning works for me, im usally up at 630 and i dont have anything to do until later in the evening (sic)."

So I replied that I couldn't make it any earlier than early afternoon because of other commitments. (This is the truth, by the way, not something I made up.) But if he wasn't going to be busy until the evening, then would early afternoon work? His reply was, "Early afternoon would be fine, turns out im not going to be busy until later in the evening (sic)." So I agreed to meet him in the early afternoon. No actual time.

The only other thing that makes me wonder is when he said something along the lines of having a "pretty good size pile of everything" I have listed on my site. Really? Everything? Most of the time people tend to be vague, maybe even a bit lazy, and don't give a very good description of what they have and that can make it a bit tough to be prepared ahead of time. But when someone says "everything" that really makes me wonder.

Okay, so maybe it's no big deal. Lots of folks have troubles with communication. When I'm preoccupied, it can happen to me as well. But still, when someone has difficulties with simple communication, and then slightly changes their story (turns out I'm not going to be busy until evening) I get a bit, well, let's say curious about honest intentions. So that's why I did a White Pages search to be sure that at least the name and address match up. If it didn't, no way would I agree to meet there.