being within choking distance sounds like a plan lol funny thing is that the scammers said you could come up there and watch them refine the materials haha
being within choking distance sounds like a plan lol funny thing is that the scammers said you could come up there and watch them refine the materials haha
and when they write the check choking time lol
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CLR Solutions is Your Partner in Secure Data Management and IT Asset Disposition
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What you say about never shipping scrap to someone who offers free shipping is incorrect. I offer to pay for shipping on material in some situations where customers are within a certain geographical distance of us and there is a reasonable amount of material. I pay prices comparable to yours so I am definitely not taking advantage of my customers. I have a really good discount with Fedex from my 11+ years of shipping used and refurbished computer and automotive equipment around the country. It may only cost me 10-15.00 to have someone send me 60lbs of motherboards when if they were to pay to ship them to me with a regular UPS/Fedex account it would cost 40+ dollars.
I work with several vendors on the wholesale equipment side that even pay freight on a shipment from me and their offer is still fair and competitive.
Its good to hear there are still honest people out there. I contacted cj enviromental and threatend to involve lawyers if they did not look into this mistake and correct it. After the head customer service agent realized I was being serious they said they would look into it and call me back. Well see what BS they tell me when they call. Ill probably have to call them back
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Years ago we owned a video rental store and a summer resident stole a game system and 4 like new games. We tried to take it to court but the prosecutor told us that because of the value they would not pursue the person across state lines. But that's been 16 years ago, and things might have changed. Good luck,,,I contacted cj enviromental and threatend to involve lawyers if they did not look into this mistake and correct it.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
I would like to know why people get on Ebay and buy electronic scrap in the first place. I don't know anything about this.
Also, what are you supposed to do with all the cathode ray tubes?
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The people are gathering up large quantities of boards and refining to gain the different PM's (precious metals) that may be in there.I would like to know why people get on Ebay and buy electronic scrap in the first place. I don't know anything about this.
There is another whole thread about the tubes. Couple of places will take them.Also, what are you supposed to do with all the cathode ray tubes?
Here is one thread, and there's others, might have a few answers there for you.
In WA state, I would file small claims. Take in a list of weights along with pricing from easy and boardsort and use that as a 'minimum' for the recovery value. Then multiply that by % recovery they promised and sue them for the difference. Take in the check that they had sent you so the judge can order a garnishment from their bank account. You may be able to do some more research - I remember seeing something like 50 average motherboards 1 oz of gold (I think it was on the gold refining forum). You may be able to use that figure to get a higher amount.
If they don't show up to the small claims hearing, a default judgement is entered in your favor. Give the judge the check so he can order garnishment and wait for it to show up. Another option is after you receive the default judgement, sell the claim to a collections agency.
It was
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Yea, don't forget the scoopshovel, cause it's gonna get deep.You know what they say about things you see on the internet.
I agree with you CLR...I just shipped 20lbs of cellphone scrap to company in FL that paid for shipping and got a little over $7/lb (priced on 11/3/11). I read reviews on another forum and contacted him for the details before I sent anything. link:
Free shipping should not be a danger sign, but you should alway do your home work and make sure you are comfortable with teh risks before you enter into a business arrangement with anyone.
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I have spoken with Jack as well. He is close to me and pays shipping so will most likely be dealing with him.
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If one of you big dealers would post a copy of an assay report from one of shipments to a refiner there wouldnt be any speculation. As soon as I can find one that will do it for a sample for me ill do it. I just want to know whats really all in them myself. I know ill probable get flamed for asking for such info but if you dont ask you never receive.
I have been a junk dealer for almost 20 years, A few things you guys need to realize and keep in mind is that most of these places wont pay high totals for small loads of under 50 lbs, and they get very annoyed when someone walks in with 3 or 4 different types of material all mixed up in a barrel and start sorting it out right there in the yard. If your selling electronic scrap primarily based on the value of the gold contained in the total lot, then you need to sell to a refiner, not a junk dealer, But the catch is,, Refiners are not going to waste thier time buying 100lbs of material especially mixed motherboards and such which contain a ton of waste. The only time that you bother sending in a small load of 500lbs or less is if the entire load consists of all high grade material, such as two drums of only ceramic CPU chips, or drums of cell boards, or sattelite chips, in those instances you may have enough of a recovery rate to work a deal, but otherwise a place like or those type places, or a local scrap yard may be what you'd have to settle for. Ebay is good to an extent but you have to know wht your selling and what your supposed to expect for it. I see people on there selling case lots of motherboards, slot cards and RAM, Mixed with CPUs and they settle for a flat rate for the whole lot, WHERAS if you did it in volume and shipped 8 or 10 gaylords of motherboards, as well as pallet containing 4 55gallon drums with cleaned slot cards , ram and cpu's and went right to the refinery, they would normally take the first 3-400 bucks off the top for the processing but after that you get the rest of the market value for the PGM ratings of the material once the assay is completed. For small loads of less than 1,000 lbs your best bet is a company called 123 Precious Metals in N.C., But they have a minimum quantity, I believe the minimum nowdays is about 300lbs but youd have to double check that. They require that you remove ALL lithium and nicad batteries from all material, Even the tiny batteries from cell phone boards, You also need to remove any heavy thick steel which cant be shredded, such as the brackets from the edge of computer boards, transformers, and heat sincs, very thin metal isnt a big deal, but the thin plating on the back side of cell boards should be peeled off with pliers because of the amount of gold underneath it, you dont want to jepordize the recovery process, youll only be screwing yourself, Do it right if you want a good return. Also, For those of you who got stiffed by / CJ Environmental, I know them, Even though no business is done between us, I learned many many moons ago that theres a very bad business ethic in that circle, I also personally know some Ex employees of his, and the stories are endless. The owner of that company's name is Norm Schneider. Either way, If you want to be a big boy in the junk business you need to do volume, and learn what needs to be done in terms of material preperation beforehand, and if/when you get that squared away, Get a nice lot together of high grade material, with the lowest grade items being bare motherboards.
Last edited by Mick; 11-10-2011 at 04:44 AM. Reason: Delete residential address and advertising.
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