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  1. #1
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    What should we do?

    We purchased a large quantity of computer scraps from a company in the south for the first time. We sent a colleague there and made the deposit. That company has a big warehouse and a decent website. but the problem is they usually don't answer phones. they just reply with emails. Upon request, we wired the rest of the money to the company. They promised to ship the scraps we bought last week but they didn't. The CEO said he was too busy and due to preparation he would ship this Thursday. We wanted to confirm the ship date but got no response. Then we started to call them, many times. Someone finally picked up the phone two days ago and said it's confirmed that they will ship today but we have gotten no news till now. We have an invoice and all the email records. What should we do? send people there again? it doesn't seem like a scam company. But it really makes people feel bad when things like this happen.

  2. #2
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good old case of ignorance or incompitance. maybe both. Cant stand people or companys that drag stuff on and dont reply to any form of communication. If it was me, and wasnt far (i know you said south but im not sure where you are located) id take my truck or rent one and drive down and ask for it to be loaded immediately. They have your money, the stuff technically belongs to you. Thats what i would do, but then again im a little different than some people lol.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  3. #3
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    Thank you for your suggestion! we are a little bit far from that company. It cost time and money to go there. But if we can't reach them tomorrow. we have no choice but go.
    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    Sounds like a good old case of ignorance or incompitance. maybe both. Cant stand people or companys that drag stuff on and dont reply to any form of communication. If it was me, and wasnt far (i know you said south but im not sure where you are located) id take my truck or rent one and drive down and ask for it to be loaded immediately. They have your money, the stuff technically belongs to you. Thats what i would do, but then again im a little different than some people lol.

  4. #4
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    Patience is king. Give them a little time.

    That said, this is why I always use Paypal. I've yet to be burned and not get my money back. Good luck.

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  6. #5
    1956's Avatar
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    Do not waste any time, I would go there myself to find out what's going on, I also would bring a truck to load.they don't answer the phone but they new how to get you to send there money,go fast sounds fishy to me.

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  8. #6
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    We can still reached the CEO last week after sending many emails to him. Since last Friday, no reply. Then we called the company, usually no one picked up the phone. After calling many many times, some one answered and he said he had talked to the ceo it's confirmed that the company will ship today(Thursday). Now, the company is off. Still get no response from them.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1956 View Post
    Do not waste any time, I would go there myself to find out what's going on, I also would bring a truck to load.they don't answer the phone but they new how to get you to send there money,go fast sounds fishy to me.

  9. #7
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    We wired the money to them. I am thinking what we can do if they don't give the stuff we have paid for.
    Quote Originally Posted by BumpRacerX View Post
    Patience is king. Give them a little time.

    That said, this is why I always use Paypal. I've yet to be burned and not get my money back. Good luck.

  10. #8
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Id be upset with any company that doesnt ship next day after receiving payment. Unless otherwise stated. My father owned a large import and distribution company years ago. It didnt take more than a day or two to process, pallet and ship an order. I would go down there in person. Even if it takes time and money. Better than not receiving anything. With a trip down Atleast you will make some money back/turn a profit. If I where you Id be pretty POed with these people.

    Sometimes it is just incompitance. Our shop ordered and payed for a catalytic converter from some company recently. 2 weeks go by with no package in the mail, no calls, nadda, so we call them up "OHHH You wanted that ordered?! Im so sorry!" ya. Nevermind. NEEEXT.

  11. #9
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    My question is did your colleague actually see the material to confirm what was purchased?
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  12. #10
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    yes, he saw the stuff we buy. And actually on last Monday, the CEO persuaded us to buy more. but we didn't.
    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    My question is did your colleague actually see the material to confirm what was purchased?

  13. #11
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Sharpen the pencil it's math time
    It sounds like the truck is going to be a lot cheaper then waiting even longer to make a profit on something that could have been done three times already. I don't know what kind of prices you are getting but unless they are worth the wait (back to the math) this would be the last time I would do business with them. Or go the opposite way with payments and wire the deposit and pay the rest upon delivery although bumpracerx has it right to go with pay pal if possible.
    Only you can find out if it is worth going or not your answer lies at the bottom of a sheet or 2 of paper.
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 09-19-2013 at 05:59 PM.

  14. #12
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    we shouldn't have paid them that fast. The price is good actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    Sharpen the pencil it's math time
    It sounds like the truck is going to be a lot cheaper then waiting even longer to make a profit on something that could have been done three times already. I don't know what kind of prices you are getting but unless they are worth the wait (back to the math) this would be the last time I would do business with them. Or go the opposite way with payments and wire the deposit and pay the rest upon delivery although bumpracerx has it right to go with pay pal if possible.
    Only you can find out if it is worth going or not your answer lies at the bottom of a sheet or 2 of paper.

  15. #13
    1956's Avatar
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    If you can try and get the shippers, info,,,,, they had to call and reserve the pick up at the least if they intend to ship way thing

  16. #14
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    we asked them to provide shipping information. They just asked us to be patient and said they would keep us informed.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1956 View Post
    If you can try and get the shippers, info,,,,, they had to call and reserve the pick up at the least if they intend to ship way thing

  17. #15
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Your only other alternative will be to go back down and go see the county prosecutor about possible charges if you cannot get your material from them. Maybe they sold your material to another buyer? I had a ewaste buyer bounce a check on me so I had to go that route once. I have seen whole companies be there operating one day and an empty building the next. Seems like shoddy business practices to me,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  19. #16
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    That sounds horrible. Their warehouse is there for more than 2 years. they have a decent website and an ebay store.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Your only other alternative will be to go back down and go see the county prosecutor about possible charges if you cannot get your material from them. Maybe they sold your material to another buyer? I had a ewaste buyer bounce a check on me so I had to go that route once. I have seen whole companies be there operating one day and an empty building the next. Seems like shoddy business practices to me,,,

  20. #17
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    What type of company is this? Are they an ewaste processor themselves. If I were you, I would drive down there and demand to get my material. I wouldn't be Mr. Nice Guy for much longer. You've given them plenty of time to respond to you and ship you your material, they haven't held up their end of the deal.
    Made in China, Recycled in the Republic of Texas!

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  21. #18
    oldpeople started this thread.
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    yes, it's an ewaste processor. QUOTE=Gravitar;168218]What type of company is this? Are they an ewaste processor themselves. If I were you, I would drive down there and demand to get my material. I wouldn't be Mr. Nice Guy for much longer. You've given them plenty of time to respond to you and ship you your material, they haven't held up their end of the deal.[/QUOTE]

  22. #19
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    Me and Mechanic have sold to the same feller. I can vouch for the fact that there are a lot of sleazeballs in the scrap game who want nothing more to burn you on a check. Two times Craig tried to burn me, two times I went to his bank on day of sale and got paid.

    You need to be proactive and raise hell, OP.

  23. #20
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I have seen whole companies be there operating one day and an empty building the next.
    Back in the day I worked at a RV factory where we (12 of us) built about 6-7 mini-motorhomes a week. One morning I went to work and a deputy sheriff met us at the door, took our ID and closed the door in our face. Then one at a time we went in and picked up our toolboxes and on the way out the door the manager would hand your check out to you. The factory was totally empty except for our stuff, all the wood, truck frames and inventory was all gone overnite. It was a recession (one of many) and Elkhart County lost about half of their RV factories before it was all done. Back during that time mobile home and RV factories were like mushrooms, here one day, gone the next.
    Here is a newer version of what we built;

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