I guess laws are different everywhere. In my province, any accidents that happen on private property (and any business premises is considered "private property") are deemed "no fault" accidents. In other words, everyone is responsible for repairing the damage to their own vehicle, even if caused by someone else. I found this out after coming out of a theater after watching a movie, and seeing the driver of the vehicle beside me rip off my driver-side mirror and put a long tear into the fender with his camper. He agreed it was his fault, I got his info, reported it all to my insurance company. A couple of weeks later my insurance company called to tell me that his company refused to pay, "which is their right" according to law. Had we been parked on the street instead of a shopping center parking lot, no problems.
What I've seen at scrapyards here, the yards seem to be pretty reluctant to cover any damage even if caused by them. If it's a new dent or scrape, good luck. Everyone has "at your own risk" signs up. A scrapper I know was reimbursed after the guy running a magnet broke his back power sliding window, was about $600. Every yard here also has someone directing traffic to avoid accidents. For damage by other customers, it's always "you guys work it out yourselves".
I'm glad you were able to get this resolved successfully!