I got a call with a guy who had an old iron wood burning stove in his garage. He said it was about 200 pounds and he was a few blocks away. Went ahead and did the job. Got my partner and good thing, this thing was huge. I knew it wasn't 200 pounds just by looking at it and with it taking about 20 minutes to try and wrestle it into the truck I knew it was much heavier.
Got it to the scrap yard and weighed in and then went in and unloaded. An issue with unloading it occurred, and ended up shattering the plastic tail gate guard. Also, there was a small chunk that stuck out of the burner and just so happens that as it slid out, this piece slammed hard into the bed of the truck and punched a quarter sized hole in the bed. Never had to bondo, anything, but now I have to. My truck is in nice shape and hated to see the hole.
Come to find out, this burner was 480 pounds. To bad that I didn't have more scrap yards to choose from that take ferrous metals, because my yard pays the same from tin to iron. The next closest I had was about an hour away, and figured the trip with the extra weight wouldn't of drained the gas. Although, they have a crane with a
magnet running at all times and would of made it much easier to remove the burner from the truck without damage.
Now I am looking into a cheap trailer for things like this. Just have to get some extra metal rolling in to pay for it.