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You an me both Waredu, an yep, even the lurking Miked..
Sirscrapalot - I didn't say it you did.
You make lurking sound like a bad thing.
I like your hopeful up and coming deal. Keep you mouth tight, play it off as if you do it for fun or something. Too much enthusiasm and they may think they are missing out on a lot of money. Mike.
That is exactly what im thinking too. He says he refines everything he gets. When I asked if he bought mobos he said "only for .25lb because theres not much on them thats valuable. Just these little brown capacitors" I guess he doesnt know gold plugs into gold.. cause even I know they have more than that on them..
Iv been emailing him and really im making it sound like im making only a little more than im offering. In all honesty, if I have to ship stuff, that eats up profits fast. Just for ****s and giggles I looked into shipping 25lbs to a few of the buyers locations, almost 50 bucks. And thats for the guys closer to me. Will have to see what kind of volume he gets. If its anything substantial I may just wait till I get a truck load and drive stuff myself.
Anyways. I Dont want to count my chickens before they hatch so im gonna leave it at that and see if I can hash out a deal with this guy.