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Some thoughts on Property Tax

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  1. #1
    musicman57 started this thread.
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    Some thoughts on Property Tax

    I know that the various states all have a dizzying array of property tax laws, ranging from near nothing to totally ridiculous, but if you are in a business it pays to know how they affect you. My wife is the Treasurer/Tax Collector in the county where we live. One of the things she see often is a taxpayer complaining that they are still being billed for a Mobile Home that has been sold/blown away/scrapped X years ago. It is the owners responsibility to inform the Assessor of any such changes when they occur, and here anyway, it is solely up to him to grant any relief for past years. Generally you don't get any relief, because you did not report it timely. I was reminded of this by another member's recent post about tearing down a couple of old trailers for a neighbor. Might make a few brownie points by mentioning this to any client for whom you undertake such a project.

    Another that may affect some of you as a business owner is the requirement to tell the assessor what business personal property you have to be taxed. Here it is required that business owners provide this information each year by a certain date. If the owner does not do this, the Assessor values the property based on the last information they have and tacks on a 20% tax penalty for failure to render the assessment.

    Hope someone might find something helpful in my ramblings.

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Hahaha Music, as I read your post I was thinking how glad I was it isn't that way here, till I looked over at your state, hahaha
    Happy New Year man, from a fellow Okie

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