So I am working on my business plan to take my ewaste business to the next level…basically larger space with more automation ect, PLUS I want to expand into a few areas that no one around here does.

What I would like is maybe a bit of guidance from those already at the mid-level situation or someone that can point me to the right types of machinery without breaking the bank so to speak.

Right now, I handle computers and electronics and a little of the extra stuff you come across if someone has it or they bring it to my school fundraiser events. Where I am (Athens, GA), there is not anyone really that does the following: plastics, glass, fiberglass, drywall and construction debris, paper, textiles, tires or styrofoam. This area supports about 5 counties and all those school systems (so good source for fundraising to collect this stuff. We also have a MAJOR university in the University of Georgia (my Alma mater actually).

So, of course you can’t do everything out the gate…so here is what I am thinking in terms of ease of recycling, lowest cost for machinery and abundance…ordered 1st to last. I already do electronics and computers, but I get a lot of plastic with that, so plastics, paper, textiles and glass should be easiest and overlap in terms of machinery to process.

I am looking at a couple of buyers for these items already and there are more I can contact. But I need some guidance as to the “normal” way most buyers want product and what brands of equipment are the best for the money to take care of these items…..

I know a baler works for all of the paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles and even Styrofoam to a degree…horizontal is best for bale density but they are pricey. I figure I might be able to get away with a good vertical baler with a top load hopper right??
What are some of the better ones in your opinion and are they readily available used…also what pricing should I be looking for?? I know YMMV, but at least getting some REAL info from someone in the business helps.
Do you see more companies wanting ground plastics vs baled? I DO NOT want to get into a wet system…would only go with a dry one, so is that an issue? Any recommendations on those and if so, could I get away with fiberglass in it as well as plastics?
Styrofoam I know I want a densifyer, and not one of ones that puts out the toothpaste type stuff…just the compactor vs for densified blocks…..recommendations?
Glass…options and cost? I can get SO many beer bottle it’s not even funny (a college town).

Finally, I think a cable shredder is in order with all the computer wire and other wiring I get. It all goes in the yard as low grade (except power cables), so I think a lower cost machine would pay for itself. I would like one that separated CU from AL and the plastics, but failing that, one that sorted metals from plastic and then I can run it again with different specific weight to separate CU and AL…again dry, not wet please for recommendations.

I APPRECIATE the info so much. I am happy to lend my extensive knowledge in computers and electronics in exchange…I also do graphic design and we could look at that too. Understand, hopefully most of you are well away from me where I would not be “competing” and you would give me some info to flatten the curve out for me so to speak. Again, I will be happy to exchange knowledge or skill (graphic design) for the knowledge….I am not trying to get the hand out…just a help with the learning curve since there are literally 100’s of corporate videos on youtube with equipment.

Thanks so much!

Charles Jones