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  1. #1
    webuyselltradestuff started this thread.
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    Need some info from you mid-sized & up questions for the next level!

    So I am working on my business plan to take my ewaste business to the next level…basically larger space with more automation ect, PLUS I want to expand into a few areas that no one around here does.

    What I would like is maybe a bit of guidance from those already at the mid-level situation or someone that can point me to the right types of machinery without breaking the bank so to speak.

    Right now, I handle computers and electronics and a little of the extra stuff you come across if someone has it or they bring it to my school fundraiser events. Where I am (Athens, GA), there is not anyone really that does the following: plastics, glass, fiberglass, drywall and construction debris, paper, textiles, tires or styrofoam. This area supports about 5 counties and all those school systems (so good source for fundraising to collect this stuff. We also have a MAJOR university in the University of Georgia (my Alma mater actually).

    So, of course you can’t do everything out the gate…so here is what I am thinking in terms of ease of recycling, lowest cost for machinery and abundance…ordered 1st to last. I already do electronics and computers, but I get a lot of plastic with that, so plastics, paper, textiles and glass should be easiest and overlap in terms of machinery to process.

    I am looking at a couple of buyers for these items already and there are more I can contact. But I need some guidance as to the “normal” way most buyers want product and what brands of equipment are the best for the money to take care of these items…..

    I know a baler works for all of the paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles and even Styrofoam to a degree…horizontal is best for bale density but they are pricey. I figure I might be able to get away with a good vertical baler with a top load hopper right??
    What are some of the better ones in your opinion and are they readily available used…also what pricing should I be looking for?? I know YMMV, but at least getting some REAL info from someone in the business helps.
    Do you see more companies wanting ground plastics vs baled? I DO NOT want to get into a wet system…would only go with a dry one, so is that an issue? Any recommendations on those and if so, could I get away with fiberglass in it as well as plastics?
    Styrofoam I know I want a densifyer, and not one of ones that puts out the toothpaste type stuff…just the compactor vs for densified blocks…..recommendations?
    Glass…options and cost? I can get SO many beer bottle it’s not even funny (a college town).

    Finally, I think a cable shredder is in order with all the computer wire and other wiring I get. It all goes in the yard as low grade (except power cables), so I think a lower cost machine would pay for itself. I would like one that separated CU from AL and the plastics, but failing that, one that sorted metals from plastic and then I can run it again with different specific weight to separate CU and AL…again dry, not wet please for recommendations.

    I APPRECIATE the info so much. I am happy to lend my extensive knowledge in computers and electronics in exchange…I also do graphic design and we could look at that too. Understand, hopefully most of you are well away from me where I would not be “competing” and you would give me some info to flatten the curve out for me so to speak. Again, I will be happy to exchange knowledge or skill (graphic design) for the knowledge….I am not trying to get the hand out…just a help with the learning curve since there are literally 100’s of corporate videos on youtube with equipment.

    Thanks so much!

    Charles Jones

  2. #2
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    I won't be able to answer your questions, just passing on some info. There is a print magazine called plastics today, lots of equipment sellers and scrap plastics buyers in the classifieds. Online version at plasticstoday dot com.
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  4. #3
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    my previous employer bought a vertical baler for cardboard. worked great. was more efficient if you took time to break the boxes down though (depending on size, vastly increased the weight of the bale)

  5. #4
    webuyselltradestuff started this thread.
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    yes, I have used a vertical baler when I worked with a grocery store...I was just tyring to find out what size bales the people up the chain generally liked or disliked...also if people generally baled or used a chipped the plastics...there is at least one vertical baler you can load with a hopper and it is semi can do cans. clothes, plastics and cardboard....

  6. #5
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    dunno if this helps, but you should be able to get financing on a baler if you look around a little. dealers of this kind of stuff usually has a connection or two

  7. #6
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    No info, but curious, I'm 2 hours from you. Do you buy escrap?

  8. #7
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    I am in the lower west part of SC, about 2 hours away also.
    what do you have in E-Waste ?

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    So I am working on my business plan to take my ewaste business to the next level…basically larger space with more automation ect, PLUS I want to expand into a few areas that no one around here does.

    What I would like is maybe a bit of guidance from those already at the mid-level situation or someone that can point me to the right types of machinery without breaking the bank so to speak.

    Right now, I handle computers and electronics and a little of the extra stuff you come across if someone has it or they bring it to my school fundraiser events. Where I am (Athens, GA), there is not anyone really that does the following: plastics, glass, fiberglass, drywall and construction debris, paper, textiles, tires or styrofoam. This area supports about 5 counties and all those school systems (so good source for fundraising to collect this stuff. We also have a MAJOR university in the University of Georgia (my Alma mater actually).

    So, of course you can’t do everything out the gate…so here is what I am thinking in terms of ease of recycling, lowest cost for machinery and abundance…ordered 1st to last. I already do electronics and computers, but I get a lot of plastic with that, so plastics, paper, textiles and glass should be easiest and overlap in terms of machinery to process.

    I am looking at a couple of buyers for these items already and there are more I can contact. But I need some guidance as to the “normal” way most buyers want product and what brands of equipment are the best for the money to take care of these items…..

    I know a baler works for all of the paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles and even Styrofoam to a degree…horizontal is best for bale density but they are pricey. I figure I might be able to get away with a good vertical baler with a top load hopper right??
    What are some of the better ones in your opinion and are they readily available used…also what pricing should I be looking for?? I know YMMV, but at least getting some REAL info from someone in the business helps.
    Do you see more companies wanting ground plastics vs baled? I DO NOT want to get into a wet system…would only go with a dry one, so is that an issue? Any recommendations on those and if so, could I get away with fiberglass in it as well as plastics?
    Styrofoam I know I want a densifyer, and not one of ones that puts out the toothpaste type stuff…just the compactor vs for densified blocks…..recommendations?
    Glass…options and cost? I can get SO many beer bottle it’s not even funny (a college town).

    Finally, I think a cable shredder is in order with all the computer wire and other wiring I get. It all goes in the yard as low grade (except power cables), so I think a lower cost machine would pay for itself. I would like one that separated CU from AL and the plastics, but failing that, one that sorted metals from plastic and then I can run it again with different specific weight to separate CU and AL…again dry, not wet please for recommendations.

    I APPRECIATE the info so much. I am happy to lend my extensive knowledge in computers and electronics in exchange…I also do graphic design and we could look at that too. Understand, hopefully most of you are well away from me where I would not be “competing” and you would give me some info to flatten the curve out for me so to speak. Again, I will be happy to exchange knowledge or skill (graphic design) for the knowledge….I am not trying to get the hand out…just a help with the learning curve since there are literally 100’s of corporate videos on youtube with equipment.

    Thanks so much!

    Charles Jones
    To be at the next level of any of those areas you really need to be doing millions of lbs of material.

    Things to remember before making large capital purchases - Do I really need this? What is my ROI? What happens if market X dries up tomorrow and I am stuck with this/that.
    You are making alot of assumptions as to what machinery and equipment can do.

    If you are looking for inspiration, checkout Waste Mgmt., they don't buy anything and they are the biggest in the business.

    there is always talk of the next level.... from someone who started with 700 dollars 8 years ago, no line of credit, no partners and no outside investment, no scrapmetalforum... i had to grow in a focused and control method. I coach several start ups and small businesses in our industry and the number one problem is lack of commitment and focus.

    Generally the problem is not the lack of money... the lack of material... lack of time... because when you have the money, material and the time, the REAL problems get exposed. Theft, mismanagement of inventory, people problems, cashflow, etc.

    Don't take this personally, I am just using this as a blanket observation for this forum, not necessarily your situation. I don't have enough information to make a good case in any direction for you other than don't chase the money, chase your passion. Focus on what makes you happy in a particular niche. Learn the market size and potential and figure out how to get moving without having to SPEND money (or atleast the smallest amount of it).
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  11. #9
    webuyselltradestuff started this thread.
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    carolinajunkman - I do purchase at times...just need to know what you had.

    Ewasted (Mario I believe) - yes I am well aware of the amount of materials and I DO have the expertise. I have a business degree in marketing and have ran several businesses over the last 20 years. I also have been in sales for over 20 years as well.

    I guess what I was wanting (*and it may not have been clear) is some suggestions as to BRANDS of equipment, like the balers, to shorten my learning curve. Also whether or not people already in the business have some insight into say chipping plastics rather than baling into bales (what is more acceptable and worth more in their experience). I just want to buy/lease the correct machinery and having some brand guidelines will help. I am fully aware that even a used baler run $2-3K and goes up to $20K for a horizontal....same with come of the other equip, I just wanted to insight as to what has WORKED and not worked for people that are in the aggregation phase of sending a truckload a week or so to a larger company...what they have found that works and doesn't work.

    hope that made sense guys!

  12. #10
    thortek's Avatar
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    Don't forget to look on eBay. I'd suggest you start with a baler, even a small baler will pay off in storage space. We bought a baler on eBay for $700, a top loader. With it, we can actually cancel our dumpster because we can now stack and store plastic and cardboard until we're ready to sell. Paid for itself in savings in under 4 months.

    I think your goal sounds like a plan to ramp up into new things, always a good plan to diversify. Just know that sorting plastics is a HUGE part of the job, and you'll need space, and someone with plastics knowledge as you get started.
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  14. #11
    webuyselltradestuff started this thread.
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    carolinajunkman and TJMETALRECYCLERS - I do alot of computers and other I get a ton of brown board, and all the other computer components from servers to desktops to laptops. I also have about 150 lcd/plasma/led tvs right now with broken are good just damaged during shipping (bought from a guy that bought them at auction (stuff from best buys ect)). I do school recycle events so as we ramp those up my volume will get more and more....

    Yeah, here is what I am thinking...unless my contact wants or it pays to crush the plastics, I will go with a baler for cardboard, plastics styrofoam and I can do 3 things with one machine. I will get a cable crusher/separator since it can pay for itself reasonably quickly. Depending on the grant situation or the sponsorship deal with some of the groups, I will get into glass and possibly drywall ect.

    Again guys, I have built businesses before, so I got that part....I was just looking for some insider info on the BRANDS or types of equipment that would be best to brands and cost effective.

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  16. #12
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    I am small fry over here. My advice would be to specialize in what you recycle. Pick what you like and make sure you can make money at it. Buy only what you need and what will make the most financial sense. Go slow with expansion. Always keep in mind what would you do if you woke up tmrw and gold or some other commodity was down 30%. Would you be able to survive? Hope you do well and best of luck

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  18. #13
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    It takes a lot of organization and effort to keep a dry wall type yards or cardboard out of the eye of the regulators. They just closed 3 of those type yards all in one day here 2 weeks ago for being "eye sores" and nucenses. In comes the rule of unintended consequences, wed now have nowhere to take our cardboard or plastic.

    I'm sure the big boys who set the compactors in the big stores had something to do with it. But then, that's just big business in Amerika today.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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