I've never had to deal with anything like this before and I need urgent help.
A scrap yard calls me up and asks if I buy
E-Scrap, I say Yes. Lets call him Bob. Bob invites me to come down.
Basically his yard is going to start buying E-scrap from there customers. They have no idea, what it's worth and etc. So they're looking for a buyer (me) and someone (me) to tell them what everything's worth.
So I go there, give them info on things, tell them what to stay away from, what to buy, mouth off a few prices from the top of my head. He had servers, pc's, boards, and other stuff too.
Once I give him the prices, he can have everything ready for me in Gaylord boxes for each item.
My problem: 1) I need to call local scrap yards to find out what they pay, so I can charge Bob half of that. If they pay 1$ per laptop, I charge bob 50 cents for it. Is that the best way to do things.
2) I have no way of paying Bob the amount of thousands his stuff is worth, but I can pay him out of the money I'll make from selling his stuff to my scrap yard. How can I let him know it'll take time before I give him his money.
What's my plan to fix all this
Also will the scrap yards provide me Semi's or whatever to load the Gaylord's in?