I've learned so much reading through this forum I would like to share some things I've learned this past year doing junk removal and
scrap metal pick ups. Some tips might not work for you guys or you might know these things already but I hope someone takes something useful out of this
My biggest step was when I came up with a catchy business name , something to call myself it just looks professional
Second I got
business cards and t shirts made they weren't crazy expensive but makes me and my employees look organized
When removing untreated wood give it away as firewood instead of paying to dump it or burn it yourself
When removing construction debris speak to local contractors this stuff can be reused sometimes
I don't charge for metal pick up if it's at least one truck load but 99 percent of the time I won't pay for it
When doing in home removals always bump the price up 20 percent there's much more risk and technique involved
Don't play games with people if you give them a price stick to it and be fair even if you underestimated a job
Insist that people refer you and to tell their friends be borderline annoying about it make it stick in their head
DONT BE SHY talk to everyone you never know who the guy standing behind you at the bagel store is he might own an appliance store and looking for someone to remove his old broken ones.
Make sure your load is strapped down the last thing you want is debris all over the highway
And finally STAY HUMBLE no matter how big you are or think you are remember where you came from and appreciate every customer.
Some of these things may seem obvious but they're mistakes I've made this year that I've realized and improved on , thanks for reading and if anyone wants to share please I'd rather learn from others mistakes