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  1. #1
    jthetravelingguy started this thread.
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    So the winds of change have come and its time to try and be a full time scrapper

    So basically today my job just completely screwed me over. They want me to pay taxes to 2 countries instead of just the one I reside in. To top it off they tell me 2 weeks before they are due in the other country. So basically I am done with the traveling work, for now. Normally I would be sad but I view this as an opportunity. I have a severe hatred for bureaucracy and the office politics of my job and I view this as a chance to strike it out on my own.

    So I plan on beginning a full time scrapping business. With an emphasis on ewaste component recycling

    I have about a little over a ton of circuit boards stored up so that can keep me busy for awhile. But i am still a bit nervous about the future, I guess everyone is when they first start out.

    Any insights from full time scrappers would be most appreciated. Part time scrappers dont be afraid to post your insights as well!

    Also as a corollary, I have read the post " if you had 5k to spend on scrapping..." Now to expand it a bit, assuming you had a truck, basic tools etc. what would you spend 10k on?

    Can't wait to hear what you guys have to say

  2. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    A bigger cooler, an more beverages. Of course, most folks here knew that'd be my answer.

    Sucks your company screwed ya with the tax thing.

    I'm a full time scrapper, an the best advice I can give is...Study an research everything you can here on the forums. Network with everyone, family, friends, folks you see at your local stores, etc. Break down everything you get in at first, an learn what is worth breaking down an isn't. Take the time to do it right, an you'll be just fine. Don't rush it, try to avoid shortcuts(you'll learn these over time), an again break down, or at lest open everything at first, so you can see what's what.

    Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck in getting your business up an running!

    Sirscrapalot - If your working television sits on top of your non-working television, you might be a redneck. - Jeff Foxworthy

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  4. #3
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    If your going to concentrate on ewaste. I would suggest not breaking down everything and look for things with more than scrap value before breaking them down. Just saying a 1gb ram stick is worth way more than scrap. As well as any SATA drive.

  5. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I was telling him to break things down so he has the knowledge of what's in there. Not for any other reason.

    Figured I should clarify that. Ahh well, it worked for me at lest. YMMV

    Sirscrapalot - Pour me another my good man! - Someone at a bar.

  6. #5
    jthetravelingguy started this thread.
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    I plan on setting up a station to test RAM and hard drives. And learning about DoD wipes.

    I know that resale is alot more money than scrap, fortunately most of my scrap is older stuff, mainly from the 90's ( some earlier, some later ) so for now I can skip on the testing part.

    My main concern is finding sources of scrap, preferably free. I will plan on going on all the normal avenues, word-of-mouth, business cards, flyers, craiglists etc. and am not opposed to buying e waste too.

    My plan right now revolves around component level separation, personally I feel if separated properly that alot of ewaste can yield more than most buyers will pay for the boards alone. This is just a hypothesis now, I will do extensive testing when I get back to the US. I will have alot of time on my hands lol

  7. #6
    VoodooDaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jthetravelingguy View Post
    I know that resale is alot more money than scrap, fortunately most of my scrap is older stuff, mainly from the 90's ( some earlier, some later ) so for now I can skip on the testing part
    There is the thread about the vintage computing museum, maybe send a PM, apparrently the older stuff is definately worth more than scrap. Perhaps fleabay will be an important section of your business? Good luck, man!

  8. #7
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    On the taxes: go to an accountant and get your taxes done. If you earn money in other countries you may not have to pay taxes on some or all of it in the U.S. DO NOT take my word on this but DO check it out. You company may be obligated to collect the money or be barred from doing business in the other countries.

    Either way your company should have informed you this was going to happen to anyone working outside the U.S. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  9. #8
    jthetravelingguy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    On the taxes: go to an accountant and get your taxes done. If you earn money in other countries you may not have to pay taxes on some or all of it in the U.S. DO NOT take my word on this but DO check it out. You company may be obligated to collect the money or be barred from doing business in the other countries.

    Either way your company should have informed you this was going to happen to anyone working outside the U.S. Mike
    I wish they would have informed me I wouldnt have taken the job then. What is strange is that in 2012 i didnt get taxed from the other country but for 2013 i am. I am heading back in a week or so. Talking with the accountant, lawyer, the company representative.

    Also other workers who were there before didnt get double taxed either. I know they will do a tax equalization. That still screws me though. basically fancy talk for instead of getting charged double taxes we are gonna only hit you with 150%
    Last edited by jthetravelingguy; 02-15-2014 at 09:51 PM.

  10. #9
    Swampy's Avatar
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    Funny how the Taxman doth smite across the globe .... not just the USA .... sorry for the BS, man, but your attitude here says you'll ride the wave and be fine down the road. Sorry it happened. I hope at least the "other country" wasn't a bad place to spend some time in ... maybe consolation for the s******g you might be getting.

    Best of luck - keep us posted.

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