A bigger cooler, an more beverages.

Of course, most folks here knew that'd be my answer.
Sucks your company screwed ya with the tax thing.
I'm a full time scrapper, an the best advice I can give is...Study an research everything you can here on the forums. Network with everyone, family, friends, folks you see at your local stores, etc. Break down everything you get in at first, an learn what is worth breaking down an isn't. Take the time to do it right, an you'll be just fine. Don't rush it, try to avoid shortcuts(you'll learn these over time), an again break down, or at lest open everything at first, so you can see what's what.
Anyhow, I wish you the best of luck in getting your business up an running!
Sirscrapalot - If your working television sits on top of your non-working television, you might be a redneck. - Jeff Foxworthy