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  1. #1
    directrecycle started this thread.
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    Some kmarts are closing - opportunity for electronics / shelving / fixtures

    Our local Kmart is closing, as well as several others if I hear correctly. If you go to the service desk you can sign up for the potential to receive / bid on fixtures, computers, cash registers, and other non retail items. The company doing the closings will call those on the list for bids on material. I am currently the only one wanting the computers, cash registars and such. Plenty of people signed up for shelving and store fixtures.

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  3. #2
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    as well as Radio shack, Sears, Penney's, and many many small malls.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  4. #3
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    Got any leads?

  5. #4
    RLS0812's Avatar
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    If you have a tall ladder, bid on the security cameras.

    Also of interest would be peg-board shelving units and "walls" .

    The local Wal-Mart was torn down a few years ago, and left all of the cameras in the building - Those start at $35 each !

  6. #5
    directrecycle started this thread.
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    Some kmarts are closing - opportunity for electronics / shelving / fixtures

    wont hear anything for a couple weeks. they are still open trying to get rid of inventory.

  7. #6
    hunterandscrapper's Avatar
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    what about carts?

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  9. #7
    directrecycle started this thread.
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    Some kmarts are closing - opportunity for electronics / shelving / fixtures

    im sure thosr are available as well. but if you cant beat the prices he can get from the companies who specializes in fixture and cart resale then chances are slim in getting them. they will be resold by whoever buys them

  10. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Kmart/Sears is suffering a slow, lingering death. They've been closing stores since the mid 90s.

    Good advice tho, mine isn't shutting down anytime soon tho. We have K-mart, for that kind of stuff. One of each, so both do good business. Folks who hate walmart go to kmart, an the Kmart haters go to Walmart. A funny circle to me. Just like we have one home depot, one lowes(Just opened last summer) an about 6 Ace hardwares, an a couple small mom an pop joints.

    I will keep this post in mind tho if they ever shut down the one here! Good post for folks in a area with more then 1. It's why I love my sandbar..what few big chains we have, they are single store, or at most 2 to 3. Usually only the grocery stores. 2 Harris Teeters, an like 4 food lions.

    I miss my Wegmans.

    Sirscrapalot - Blue Light special!

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  12. #9
    4barrel's Avatar
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    You got a lot of fixemup shops for living on a sandbar - in the midwest we got one ace hardware and a lowes if we want to drive.

    4barrel - never thought the midwest was smaller than a sandbar

    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Kmart/Sears is suffering a slow, lingering death. They've been closing stores since the mid 90s.

    Good advice tho, mine isn't shutting down anytime soon tho. We have K-mart, for that kind of stuff. One of each, so both do good business. Folks who hate walmart go to kmart, an the Kmart haters go to Walmart. A funny circle to me. Just like we have one home depot, one lowes(Just opened last summer) an about 6 Ace hardwares, an a couple small mom an pop joints.

    I will keep this post in mind tho if they ever shut down the one here! Good post for folks in a area with more then 1. It's why I love my sandbar..what few big chains we have, they are single store, or at most 2 to 3. Usually only the grocery stores. 2 Harris Teeters, an like 4 food lions.

    I miss my Wegmans.

    Sirscrapalot - Blue Light special!

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  14. #10
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Thing is my sandbar has...several towns. So the Ace's...there is one Kitty Hawk, Nags Head, I think one or two down in Hatteras an one along the way, an then one up on the north end for Duck and Corolla. Seems like a lot but it's really not. They are small stores. Home depot an Lowes are the only huge chains far as fixemup goes.

    Gotta remember, we get hurricanes just about every year, so the construction trade is always going. Either repairing, building new, etc.

    I know the Midwest gets the tornadoes. Heh.

    We have lots of remodel work always going on. Being on a sandbar is awesome, I love it. I don't think I'd enjoy it as much if I owned the house. The ocean, salt, wind, etc is always chipping away at things. Tons of HVAC an Lawn companies..I'm thinking cause not so much easy work, but easy to start up if you got the tools. Can't throw sand without hitting a lawn care company..kinda like a brick in dc an not hitting a lawyer or politician. lol.

    After every storm, you see people replacing decks, removing sand from driveways(with bobcats!) along the ocean, roofs of course, etc etc. So there is a need for the fixemup places. Always something needing fixed. We don't like big box stores, or chains. One walmart, one Kmart. We have 2 Mcdonalds, 1 wendys, 2, maybe 3 Burger Kings, I forget if the one up north is still open, 1 five guys, an one taco bell/kfc. Compared to..Va. Beach..they have about 10 times the amount of fast food chains, grocery stores, Home repair, etc. No big chains other then the ones above. No Dennys, or Ihop, or waffle house Which makes me sad, cause I like getting breakfast at 2 am. Ha ha! Then again I'm glad we don't. Keeps my sandbar nice an relaxed.

    As I like to tell come here to relax, fish, play in the sand, enjoy the outdoors, etc. You go to Va Beach, Myrtle Beach, Ocean City, etc..for the partying an night life. Come here for that kind of stuff you'll be one sad camper. We do have a few bars of course, but they are far from you guys see in the big cities. Most shut down come January till right about now in March. The biggest an most popular, the OBX Brewing Station(Was on Diner, drive in's an dive! wooho!) just reopened a week or so ago.

    Yea we got a lot, but we make up for it by not having a lot. It sounds like a lot but it's all spread out from one end to the other. An it's a rather long sandbar. 100 something miles if you go all the way south to the ferry to Ocracoke. Guess you could count south of Ocracoke also, but I don't go there, I stop there. One ferry is enough for me.

    My town, Kill Devil Hills, only has a full time population of around 7k, as of the 2010 census. I think it's a total of 25k for the whole sandbar. Full time locals that is. We get around 200k visitors every summer tho. The vast majority of us are Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, an Nags Head. If you live south of Nags Head your pretty much screwed if the bridge, or roads are out due to storms. An it happens quite a bit after the big storms. I wish I could get the wife to move further south, but she likes being near her work when the storms hit.

    Eh, anyhow..sorry for the travel You can see photos of the sandbar with snow on the beach in the album on my profile, I need to add more that I took, an have a bunch more I need to put up, of just normal everyday life here.

    Sirscrapalot - Full time sandbar resident an proud of it.

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  16. #11
    directrecycle started this thread.
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    Some kmarts are closing - opportunity for electronics / shelving / fixtures

    my local kmart and fast food joints are all 15 miles away. im just outside a village of 600 ish people. grocery store closes at 6 and not even open on sunday. even the big town down the rd 15 miles dont offer big stores outside of walmart those stores are 35 miles away.

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  18. #12
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Some kmarts are closing - opportunity for electronics / shelving / fixtures

    The brewing station is awesome, didn't know you were so close sirscrapalot. My wife and I stayed in Kill Devil Hills for part of our honeymoon last year.

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  20. #13
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    I'm literally across the street from them Auburn. I'm ocean side, not what we call sound side. We almost had them do our wedding cake, but found a lady a little further down near Manteo.

    An congrats on the wedding even if a year late. Ha ha! We got married down here on the beach. Spent the honey moon down at Disney tho.

    Come back an visit let me know, I'll be sure the bring the cooler, an grill out!

    An DR your area reminds me of the little town I was in, when I was out in KS. They had a bigger pop, but it was your typical old school small town America, everything closed on Sunday cept Walmart, church, an a restaurant or two!

    Sirscrapalot - Likes to visit cities, but wouldn't want to live in one again.

  21. #14
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    Some kmarts are closing - opportunity for electronics / shelving / fixtures

    Sirscrapalot, we are coming back down at the end of July. We have 3 days in between Phish shows in Charlotte and Portsmouth. Any advice on decent hotels down there?

  22. #15
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    My wife's.

    I'll shoot you a pm, with some suggestions, an contact info. I've hijacked this thread enough.

    An Phish...they were in Hampton, Va this past winter. Sold out, full up, an one helluva show I hear.

    Sirscrapalot - When you face a crisis, you know who your true friends are. - Magic Johnson

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