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Network Network Network!

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  1. #1
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Network Network Network!

    Ok so like the title says...

    NETWORK! When you feel you've done all the networking you it some more.

    Just today, I stopped at the local 7-11 I goto for a soda when I drop the wife off at work. I've been going here since I moved here, known the boss lady for most of that time to. She knows what I do, I hardly mention it anymore to her, as to be honest, I felt they had another way to handle their scrap.

    Lo N behold, I go in Yesterday, an she says.."HEy just the guy I was waiting for." An proceeds to lead me to the backroom an a shopping cart full of metal shelves. 3 footers or so, all metal. A dozen or so. I go in this morning again for my soda, an she says.."Go in the back, I got something for ya." So I do, a bunch of smaller display type shelves for candy bars an the like.

    Point of all this is...NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK! You never know when it'll pay off. It maybe soon as that first day, it could be months, or it could be years! You got to network to reap the rewards in this game. So here I thought I'd never see anything from this store, an now I'm getting stuff from them. Small loads yes..but many rain drops make up a flood, as does small scrap = big pile of scrap.

    Now stop reading this, an GO NETWORK!

    Sirscrapalot - This post was sponsored by the letters N-E-T-W-O-R-K.

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