Originally Posted by
1. I have yet to find something very strange.
2. About $3,500 of sound equipment. The local yard I go to allows scrappers to buy items that they find in the shred pile. One morning I was dropping off a load of parted out dishwashers and saw a pile of what looked like server racks on the ground. Upon closer inspection they were several audiotecnica (a very expensive brand) wireless microphone receivers. It wasn't until I looked up a few of the pieces that I realized there was quite some value there. Long story short I ended up getting the entire pile of equipment for $15! What a day.
Not near as good your find, paid $10.00 pound for two 45 gallon drum full of ram ( 280 lbs. ) from one of the yards that will sell.
I put the ram into the ball mill with an abrasive then after tumbling for a few hours all the gold was removed from the boards. Did not abrade the trough hole stuff but considered this not a great loss.
The abrading process also removed all the solder and surface mounted chips, the surface mounted stuff easily recovered via screening.
If you use this process be sure to rinse off any powder residue clinging to the small circuit boards with water. Of course you know to save this wash waster then let the solids settle out before discarding the water/
Tin from the solder is easily recovered with ???. You end up with Tin Chloride. For those that do not know, obtain a free copy of Hokes Refining Precious Metals Wastes.