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packing tape discussion

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    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    packing tape discussion

    Being in Nw Florida I see a lot of rain and high humidity. Today was a perfict example. off and on light rain and even worse periods of misting while I'm trying to pack boxes of parts for shipping. To those who don't ship quantities of items this may seem a minor problem.

    I have tried several different brands of clear packing tape. Home depot, Lowe's
    Wall mart , I have not found one yet that will work in this condition. Ive had shipments returned by FEDEX because the tape came loose or didn't hold up.

    What tape works best for you. Why. where to get it.

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  2. #2
    Mudlucky's Avatar
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    Scotch Heavy Duty shipping tape. I've used it to literally move cross country twice and I use it all on all of my packages I send to buyers here on the forum. It has worked well so far. No packages returned and only one report of a "damaged" box. For what it is worth, I tried the WalGreens brand this last time. don't waste your time with it.

    Actually, I'm glad that you posted this. I was wondering if there was a better and/or cheaper and just as good alternative to the Scotch.

    Oh, and for what it is worth, I buy it at either Home Depot or Costco.
    Last edited by Mudlucky; 04-09-2014 at 05:59 AM.

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  4. #3
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    I do ALOT of shipping as I'm an ebay seller and I use Duck Brand HP260 that I usually get on amazon. While I don't have the same conditions as you here in north texas I have yet to have any issues with this tape. Summers it gets so hot here that the self sealing envelopes I use tend to open up so I have to add a piece of tape to it, handles the heat no problem. It's not the cheapest tape but it's great quality and doesn't have that issue of tearing in small pieces like some of the cheaper tapes.

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    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I also live in Florida with the rain and humidity so I know what your talking about. I don't do much shipping of boxes any more but when I did I used a tape that is called Duck tape. This NOT the grey duct tape used in ac work, it is a clear packaging tape and it is very thick. I got it at Walmart and it works pretty good. Look in the office supply section of the store. I still use it to tape the lids on cans of screws, nuts, washers and small pieces of metal. Hope this helps. It will also help if you can tape your boxes inside the house or garage or even take the boxes inside after you tape them. I don't know if that's possible or not for you to do.

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    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    i really like the SEAL IT brand. family dollar has it for 1.25 per 40 yard roll...i have never had a problem with it...

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    redcrossnj is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Ebay sellers sell good tape and its less then .80 cents a roll. Have you tried ULINE or harbor freight old dude ? Ill get you the name of a brand of tape I just bought off ebay today

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  12. #7
    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by src3collector View Post
    I do ALOT of shipping as I'm an ebay seller and I use Duck Brand HP260 that I usually get on amazon. While I don't have the same conditions as you here in north texas I have yet to have any issues with this tape. Summers it gets so hot here that the self sealing envelopes I use tend to open up so I have to add a piece of tape to it, handles the heat no problem. It's not the cheapest tape but it's great quality and doesn't have that issue of tearing in small pieces like some of the cheaper tapes.
    I've also used the Duck Brand tape and will also vouch for its quality. While I don't do a ton of Ebay auctions, I have shipped frequently across country and have never had an issue with packages not being intact on arrival. I've even shrink wrapped a few of my packages just in case. It gives some added support to those heavy packages.

  13. #8
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    The Dude, Old Dude, Bro Dude...lotta kewl DUDES here

    Mike, where are you storing the tape? No matter what "brand" you go with, keeping it out of the humidity and heat until needed, can make a big difference. I also, like TheDude, keeps rolls of stretch wrap around. Not only will it reinforce the packaging, tape will adhere to it better than damp/dusty cardboard.

    A few other things I do, is to tape the inside bottom on the box, and all outside edges, especially the seam. The only problems I have had the last few years, is shipping drives to PTS. Not sure what to do about his "co-workers" who use boxes as bowling balls. Still want to turn a few large dogs loose on them

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  15. #9
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    I wouldn't use it for shipping, but for other purposes. The best tape I have found by far is called Gorilla Tape. The stuff will stick. It's a little expensive so I try to limit it to uses that call for the heavy duty hold. Great stuff.

  16. #10
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    I use 3m scotch heavy duty that I get at staples for free with all the ink turned in for all my supplies and that works great for 40-60lb boxes here in iowa its not as humid but for summer I also criss cross boxes to help

  17. #11
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroJer View Post
    The Dude, Old Dude, Bro Dude...lotta kewl DUDES here

    Mike, where are you storing the tape? No matter what "brand" you go with, keeping it out of the humidity and heat until needed, can make a big difference. I also, like TheDude, keeps rolls of stretch wrap around. Not only will it reinforce the packaging, tape will adhere to it better than damp/dusty cardboard. I do tape all the seams but I never thought of taping the inside Thcx.

    A few other things I do, is to tape the inside bottom on the box, and all outside edges, especially the seam. The only problems I have had the last few years, is shipping drives to PTS. Not sure what to do about his "co-workers" who use boxes as bowling balls. Still want to turn a few large dogs loose on them
    I do tape all seams but I never thought of taping the inside, good Idea

  18. #12
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    The key for me is using enough tape it seal it back on itself, I also get free tape from recycling ink cartridges.

  19. #13
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    I have tried several of the clear tapes and haven't come up with one that works too well when it's really humid like this week. Thanks for all the suggestions though, as I'll probably try them all.

    If there was a way to get the Priority Mail tape from the US post office, that is the stuff that works.

  20. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Here's one that says it stands up to heat and humidity.

    Industrial Packing Tape in Stock - ULINE
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  21. #15
    Dermestid's Avatar
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    I use Scotch Heavy Duty SHIPPING tape, not to be confused with another product they have which is called moving and storage tape. Sams club had a sale on it about a year ago and I stocked up, starting to get low now so am going to have to start looking for a deal again. It is a few bucks more than the cheap stuff but you get what you pay for. A dollar or two just isn't worth the headache of dealing with damaged packages that didn't hold together during transport.

    Edit to add: I also do as ScrapYaHerd and use enough tape to seal it back on itself, it really helps on those boxes that the tape just doesn't want to stick to.
    Last edited by Dermestid; 04-08-2014 at 05:50 AM.

  22. #16
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    With both me and my son shipping stuff my biggest problem is not knowing I'm out until it's too late...trip to the wood shed should cure that...Just Kidding.

    I have used Scotch Heavy Duty Shipping tape and the Moving and Storage tape as well as Office Depot's brand with no problems...I do go back and press down with my hand all taped areas to insure that it's stuck.
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    Calamitous is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Heh, I use clear tape I've found in a dumpster-- I have one roll that is a foot across, so I've got plenty.

    I'm not sure how good it is, though... I don't do much shipping.

  25. #18
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    Old dude, I have been in the moving industry for almost 2 decades. If you are set up and shipping in large volumes ; do yourself a favor; forget the clear tape and get one of these with the reinforced Kraft tape. It is more expensive but you don't need much per box and you can zip through stuff. It is different when your out in the field you need a roll of good clear tape for mobility, like I said: if your set up with a table and shipping a bunch at once get yourself one of these, the tape is superior for shipping.

    The clear stuff is cheaper but you need to use more of it which defeats the purpose. It is sort of like cheap laundry detergent, You use more which ends up costing you the same as the good stuff and your clothes still stink.

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