I looked, and could not find the articles you were talking about. My guess is there is nothing that can be done. This is how the media and the world works. The big guys get bigger, and the media is just trying to write a story. All we can do is complain. Like when we hear about miley cyrus and all her crap we don't care about. The world is full of idiots, and the media direct their topics to the majority to get their numbers.
People want to think that goodwill, and other non profits, are doing a great thing in this trash heap of a country they have created. But the truth is they are just adding to it. And the general population of idiots will read any article and believe whatever it says. "I read it on the internet, so it must be true." The media are just glorified story tellers.
Sorry for the rant. (coffee was a little bitter this morning)
End Rant.