Don't know what to believe or disbelieve anymore from any "government agency". But this morning HLS announced its advice to immediately stop using any windows product until Microsoft fixes a back door that renders it un securable.
The main effect is that, it renders all xp systems worthless since Microsoft will not provide support or fix it.
First of all It is my understanding that XP was the last Microsystem that had no built in HLS back doors. Second it seems very suspicious to me that HLS would warn us against back doors they admit they use to spy on the world including us.
Third it seems very suspicious or at least very coincidental that, days after the announcement by Microsoft they will no longer support XP, the system that runs roughly 30% of the worlds computers and immediately makes them useless.
The benefit to us , of course, is that in makes millions of computers worthless junk. It is my understanding most XP computers do not have the power to support any of the new systems without an update that cost more then the new (throw away) computers.
It is also my understanding that many XP computers are capable of running Linux or, are cheaply (comparatively) up datable to windows 2000.