Just got done doing a long post on my blog...I was here long time ago...came here when my company was a year old..and my company had grown and ya'll where part of it...so I should also end it with ya'll
I have not been on here much, and that's becuz I was dealing with alot that never seemed to end, if you want to have the details, I posted it on my blog page, you can see the link on the bottom.
Some things I would love to note, some of ya'll where great and I was very happy in meeting some of you. I most loved hearing about recycling all over the USA and the change I saw here before I left where recycling was not just about the most money but about doing it right like not burning copper wires or busting CRT/screens and tvs.
For me, recycling was keeping this stuff out of 3ed world counties and was part why I got into plastics and some of the other things.
Now, i most likely will do recycling but not on the same scale I was...but who knows what will happen in the future
About me.: Server depression an why
I just wanted people to know, I never forgot any of the people here, and I was never "to good for ya'll" something I had read earlier...just wanted to let you know that.