I thought about that, but what I would like to do is have a number I can refer the caller to. I have had a lady from Plano (about 100 miles one way) call and ask me to pick up a fridge, but I would burn much more in fuel that what I would get out of it. If I had a number of someone near there I could give it to her and she can reach someone who is more local to her. It is a win-win situation. A win for the caller and a win for the person who gets the call. If no one in the area is up for the idea, then it is not a big deal, I will just continue to let the caller know that they can find someone local in either the labor and moving section or the appliances section of craigslist and some random person will get the call. There is really no down side, but if there are no DFW scrappers who want to try it out, then like I said, some random scrapper will get the call. Most calls I get are from folks who want items picked up as soon as possible, and who knows when someone local to the DFW area might eventually see the post in the scrap metal spots sub-forum.