No prices don't drop everywhere. Lest not in my experience. When shred was dropping, my main yard stayed at .10lb while others were reporting on here drops to .07lb. Same with insulated wire. Yes it could drop everywhere but it doesn't. Case in point. Your high price was .70lb(forgive me I quote the wrong many of them in this thread!) mine was .95.
Aluminum has dropped for some on here, mine has stayed steady. My main yard is currently still paying out .10lb for shred, the crappy yard south of me is paying .07lb. Something funny? Said crappy yard had been at .08 for the last 2 years. Only in the last two months did they drop it to .07lb. Never gone above .08 though. Even when other yards were paying more.
The world and pricing of scrap yards...the 9th wonder of the world, or we up to 15 now?
Edit: It's ok Mech, their all aware I'm slowly but surely corrupting you. First it's going off topic, soon you'll be posting quotes an dragging a cooler everywhere!
Sirscrapalot - I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it. - George Bernard Shaw