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Selling to a larger scrapper

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  1. #1
    NHscrapman started this thread.
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    Selling to a larger scrapper

    I am considering no longer hauling my light iron to the scrapyard as there is little to no profit to be made for me doing it myself. Ran into a guy who says he can haul large loads for a percentage, but will only haul large loads 5 tons+.
    60% would be my take and i wouldn't have to lift a finger make a pile and collect the cash. Sounds a lot better than load, unload, load, drive, sell, unload, drive.
    So i'm going to try him out see how i like it. I know there's some money left on the table...well not that much.. but free time is going to be greatly increased.

    Can't see any reason not to, let you know how it turns out.

    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  3. #2
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    the old saying goes..."work SMARTER, not HARDER" and that much steel...yep smarter to take a cut and save your back....go get other items that pay more.

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  5. #3
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    The results of this deal will be educational. Please share the results. Most of the time you avoid the middle man to increase profits. Typical farm scrapping is related to the land lease agreement - 33% to the tenant and 66% to the owner. Getting 60% is a great deal if you can guarantee the weight of each load. Good luck and keep us posted.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 06-18-2014 at 05:19 PM.

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  7. #4
    jiffy117's Avatar
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    you have become a "Scrap Liaison". How cool is that. If you could find enough jobs and enough partners you could make out quite nicely!

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  9. #5
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    You will most likely be making money faster as well. If he is working for 30%, he is probably using some sort of equipment that cuts his load time down to almost nothing.
    Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.

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  11. #6
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    I'm all for it if it benefits you , i do something similar not with scrap but with resellable items to flea market vendors , saves me time of setting up and loading unloading . They just pick it up from me after I sort . Not on consignment , not retail but at a price that benefits us both . I acquire all of my items thru estate sales, storage auctions and public auctions . It has worked well for me so far . I have a video game guy , toy guy , a few clothing vendors and another guy I met who buys all the women's clothing and purses I can find .

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  13. #7
    1956's Avatar
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    Well I agree with working smarter but,,,,,,, to give up a large percentage of your profit and that's what you are giving up because you went thru the expense of acquiring the customer, furnished the labor of picking up the material, not to mention separating the material,now what I do is very similar but different. While I am located in a city of millions of people, and you are in New Hampshire I believe that you could do what I do, I pay a trash company to do my pulls. They supply the Roll Off container and we load it in my yard,Now the dumpster company loves doing the pull the have no dumping charges and it cost me Two hundred Dollars for the pull they bring a empty when they come and take the full.We use a 30 Yard container for the light iron and average Four ton if it's loaded the right way, I also have a 10 yard container for the heavy number 1 steel brake drums and rotors, that container averages 10 ton they charge me the same two hundred for the pull, I just want to add that the scrap yards in my area would give me a container to load also but I don't want to show my customers where I sell my material number one, and number two I sell it to different yards according to the price and I am not locked into one yards pricing. I also love the fact that my medium duty trucks are not being abused with carrying the weight that they were not made for. Hope this helps Happy Scraping.

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  15. #8
    NHscrapman started this thread.
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    Yes a log truck with hydraulic claw.
    Solid advise
    Roll off's in my area are notorious for illegal dumping. The dumpsters would have to be placed on unwatched property. No Way the ol lady would let me put them in the yard

    This guy's an old logger who does farm hauls in the area. He's fair, quick around 30 min give or take, but the best part is if you got some nice heavy steel or steel cable, chains, motor or something he needs he's always willing to barter a little. That was a big reason I am trying this route. If i can give up some chains and some plate steel and get a free haul well, you got yourself a deal.

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