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Market speculation

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    ThatTubaDude started this thread.
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    Market speculation

    I have around 500 lbs of electronic motors that i have started hoarding. Any ideas when yall think the price on them might go back up. Last year up until 2 months ago i got a solid 30 cents a pound, now I'm being offered 20c/lb and I'm not quite ready to take the reduced price. Any ideas when it might go back up.

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  3. #2
    Evan's Avatar
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    If I could predict what markets would do I would be very wealthy... I'm not very wealthy.

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  5. #3
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    Sitting on material waiting for markets to go up is a sure way to lose money. Maybe shop around to other yards and see if they would come up on price for a certain weight. I never hold onto stuff hoping prices go up. When the bins,buckets, crates or whatever are full its off to the scrap yard or time to ship items out.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  7. #4
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    Well coper has gone up a little and the price of motors should also get a little spike in the near future, one thing that I would suggest to you if you are not doing already is call the yard before hand tell them what kind of weight you have , they might offer you a higher price then you think, that price of 20 cents a lbs is a little weak, yards in my area are paying .27-.29 thru the door regulars are getting about a nickel more so I believe your yard has some room to play with.

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  9. #5
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    All i can say is 'the dive in the US 'shread' price happen here in the UK a few weeks before it happen in the US.'

    Here prices (From todays yard trip) seem to be 'picking up'
    £3250 # 2copper
    £2100 mixed brass
    £700 Stainless steel
    £400 Batteries

    Covert it yourselves to $/Lb

    Feeling a bit mean (wife not to good at the moment , sudden onset of epilepsy ......not too much fun) Sorry if i post a bit offhand but a bit stressed at the moment.


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  11. #6
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by british View Post
    Covert it yourselves to $/Lb
    Doing a straight conversion without taking into consideration the cost of living might not work out right. I don't know what the prices for other things would compare to me on this side of the pond.

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  13. #7
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    Wow I'm getting $0.18/lb for electric motors, and only copper wound ones, aluminum wound goes as irony aluminum

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  15. #8
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    As stated call them. Ask for price. Then ask for price of 500 + pounds. Then call another yard and repeat... And I only got $.25 lb BUT I did NOT have 500#'s

  16. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longhairboy View Post
    Wow I'm getting $0.18/lb for electric motors, and only copper wound ones, aluminum wound goes as irony aluminum
    Do you separate them?? I throw all motors together. Our yard is too busy to check each one and they have not told me to separate yet, I assume at the price their paying that their taking the mix into account.
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  17. #10
    1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longhairboy View Post
    Wow I'm getting $0.18/lb for electric motors, and only copper wound ones, aluminum wound goes as irony aluminum
    Well I would break them down or find a new yard that is just to low.

  18. #11
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    I just remembered something from years back ......

    One of the electricians on the jobsite mentioned that romex had increased in price. He said that it was due to a hard winter. I guess some of the copper mines were in the snow belt. A hard winter shut down production for awhile and the spot price of copper went up.

    It's not a foolproof crystal ball look into the future but check out the historical charts for copper and look for the patterns:

    Kitco - Spot Copper Historical Charts and Graphs - Copper charts - Industrial metals

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  20. #12
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    I buy and sell using the prices of today's prices. Never hold on to stuff. I mean if it goes up .10 your only talking $50

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  22. #13
    Scraphunter224's Avatar
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    Sound advice, really like the name you use. Wish I had put more time into mine. I hunt brass mainly because of its low prep time and good pay.

  23. #14
    pawpaw's Avatar
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    dowm south motors .22 #1copper 2.88

  24. #15
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    I plan on breaking them down. They clip all the exposed windings to see if its copper or aluminum and seperate it themselves. I mostly just get the small electric motors from printers and the likes. Smack with a hammer to get at the copper?

  25. #16
    british's Avatar
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    Update Shread down again £70 a Tonne here.($117.60)

    On the cost of living thing ...
    The cheapest home to buy is £75,000 - Thats in realy bad condition($126,000)
    The cheapest rental is £300+ per month - Thats in realy bad condition (1 bedroom)($ 500+)
    Petrol £5.91 a gallon Diesel £6.10 a gallon.($9.93/$10.24)
    Road tax per car/van(A sticker for you windscreen) £200+($336)
    Vehicle insurance per car/van/person £450+ ($776)
    VAT (value added tax)-State tax as you call it(I think) @20%
    Local taxes £1200+ ($2000) - You MIGHT (if they can be bothered) get a limited amount of rubbish (55 gallon)bin taken away every 2 or 3 weeks.Almost everything else you pay for.
    Business tax (Buildings £46,000 for 24,000 Sq Ft)($77,280) Yes the cost is for a building I looked at (Water , rent , power , refuse , insurance NOT included).
    Rental again for the same building £175,000 ($294,000)
    Income taxes,National Insurance(another tax added to your wage)

    On the plus side free health care (Again if they can be bothered)Pay for medication and anything of a more serious nature wait for years to see a someone who --Can't be bothered.
    Maybe not a fair comparison of living costs i thing on your side of the pond it's a little cheaper.
    But to steal the phrase used by our newspapers 'rip off britain'.

    British - not used to sooooo much typing - flingeerss worn outttt

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  27. #17
    Mick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by british View Post
    Update Shread down again £70 a Tonne here.($117.60)

    On the cost of living thing ...
    The cheapest home to buy is £75,000 - Thats in realy bad condition($126,000)
    The cheapest rental is £300+ per month - Thats in realy bad condition (1 bedroom)($ 500+)
    Petrol £5.91 a gallon Diesel £6.10 a gallon.($9.93/$10.24)
    Road tax per car/van(A sticker for you windscreen) £200+($336)
    Vehicle insurance per car/van/person £450+ ($776)
    VAT (value added tax)-State tax as you call it(I think) @20%
    Local taxes £1200+ ($2000) - You MIGHT (if they can be bothered) get a limited amount of rubbish (55 gallon)bin taken away every 2 or 3 weeks.Almost everything else you pay for.
    Business tax (Buildings £46,000 for 24,000 Sq Ft)($77,280) Yes the cost is for a building I looked at (Water , rent , power , refuse , insurance NOT included).
    Rental again for the same building £175,000 ($294,000)
    Income taxes,National Insurance(another tax added to your wage)

    On the plus side free health care (Again if they can be bothered)Pay for medication and anything of a more serious nature wait for years to see a someone who --Can't be bothered.
    Maybe not a fair comparison of living costs i thing on your side of the pond it's a little cheaper.
    But to steal the phrase used by our newspapers 'rip off britain'.

    British - not used to sooooo much typing - flingeerss worn outttt
    In my area - House is about the same. Rents are a little higher here. Petrol/gas is about half that. No "Road tax" per se (gas is taxed at the pump, for road maintenance). Insurance is about the same for "full coverage" of a new car. VAT/State tax is lower but varies widely by state. Local tax = property (land) tax - I pay over $3000/yr on 50 acres. The rest - no idea. You can have the "free health care". Between our new "Obamacare" and the Veteran's Administration, I've seen what that brings - no thanks.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  29. #18
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    British, I think yours is our near future. Vat tax has been in the wish list for politicians for years. All they need to do is convince enough of the "voters" that everything can be "free" if only "we" tax the rich.

    More regulations=less innovation and productivity. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  31. #19
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Quote Mike:

    More regulations=less innovation and productivity.


    Uggggh .......... so true.

    Has anyone seen the movie " Atlas Shrugged " ? I believe parts 1 & 2 are available on Netflix. Part 3 (the final episode ) was scheduled to be released sometime this year ?

    * spoiler* It's disturbing cause it cuts too close to for comfort.

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  33. #20
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    Who do you think is going to wave the magic wand and make the near future rosy and bright. The whole world is in the crapper,
    if we were able to get rid of all the politicians and people who put us all in this position tomorrow, it still would take 5 to 10 years to straighten it all out times like this is when you have to bite the bullet and break it down to maximize profit and move on.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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