Update Shread down again £70 a Tonne here.($117.60)
On the cost of living thing ...
The cheapest home to buy is £75,000 - Thats in realy bad condition($126,000)
The cheapest rental is £300+ per month - Thats in realy bad condition (1 bedroom)($ 500+)
Petrol £5.91 a gallon Diesel £6.10 a gallon.($9.93/$10.24)
Road tax per car/van(A sticker for you windscreen) £200+($336)
Vehicle insurance per car/van/person £450+ ($776)
VAT (value added tax)-State tax as you call it(I think) @20%
Local taxes £1200+ ($2000) - You MIGHT (if they can be bothered) get a limited amount of rubbish (55 gallon)bin taken away every 2 or 3 weeks.Almost everything else you pay for.
Business tax (Buildings £46,000 for 24,000 Sq Ft)($77,280) Yes the cost is for a building I looked at (Water , rent , power , refuse , insurance NOT included).
Rental again for the same building £175,000 ($294,000)
Income taxes,National Insurance(another tax added to your wage)
On the plus side free health care (Again if they can be bothered)Pay for medication and anything of a more serious nature wait for years to see a someone who --Can't be bothered.
Maybe not a fair comparison of living costs i thing on your side of the pond it's a little cheaper.
But to steal the phrase used by our newspapers 'rip off britain'.
British - not used to sooooo much typing - flingeerss worn outttt