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    sledge started this thread.
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    How Would you handle this Pic-A-Part type situation?

    This morning I got a call from a guy asking me if he could buy the fuel pump out of the Jimmy I'm currently gutting. The Jimmy was running when it was hit and got into an accident. He asked how much did I want for it. I told him he'd have to drop the tank to get it.. but If he pulled it- I'd take $20 bucks. When he arrives he says "What would you want for the whole tank and pump?" I said "How about $40 total for it" He says great.

    So I jack up the truck, he undoes the straps and begin to start the drop. I said "Don't ya want to unhook all the hoses off the pump before dropping the tank?" as we had it loose.. but still needed to shift the tank for it to drop. He says "Aww nah.. we got plenty of play in those hoses" I said "Your call" So we slide the tank back.. down it comes onto the trailer.. and he snapped 2 of the 3 pieces of plastic with the fuel lines on the pump" Says "Aww Poop" then says "I think I can fix it" (Yeah ok) then says "I'll still give ya $30 bucks for everything"

    So He was supposed to give me $40 for tank and pump. He Breaks the pump.. then says he'll give me $30
    As I'm typing this he calls me and tells me he bench tested it.. and all worked great.. but when he got it into the new truck "The thing don't pump a lick"

    I'm keeping my $30 bucks.

    Just wondering what all of you would do if you tell people- you pull parts.. and if they break the part- what do you do? I guess he could have said "Welp.. that's busted and is no good" packed his tools and walked away without giving me a cent. But I think he should have paid me the $40.. thoughts?
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  2. #2
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    That's a hard situation . Me personally I would pull it myself and charge more . Makes the transaction faster and you won't have to babysit them while they work . Plus you will avoid any chance of someone injuring themselves . Ya know if you want it done right do it yourself thing . Glad he paid you thou being as he broke your stuff .

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  4. #3
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    I would have said ok to the 40 and if he broke it while taking it out then i still get the 40.But if he got it and it didnt work then i would just give home his money back and call it a day.

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  6. #4
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    I had something very similar happen to me recently. Guy calls me up interested in a part i have multiples of says he needs them asap I say sure come on over ill meet you at that place. I get to the place he shows up 30 minutes late, has me standing out in the rain while he sits in his truck, he buys them no problem. Next day he calls and says he installed the part powered up the system and the part failed, then he removed that one and installed the other identical part same result! Keep in mind these are new not used. He says he wants his money back, I tell him I can sell him another one he hangs up.

    Sue we want all of the potential costumers as possible but sometimes you gotta know when to tell them where they can shove it. And in your case sledge I'd tell him where to shove it. Furthermore, he still owes you $10.

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  8. #5
    sledge started this thread.
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    Well I'd agree with you scrapping.. but My gut is going back and forth. I was up front and honest in all my dealings. I posted in the ad a pic of the truck- the airbags had gone off.. which my understanding is that when a Chevy from about 1998 forward's Airbags deploy somehow it kills the motor and fuel system for safety reasons. What that actually entails I am not sure of- but I am doubting that it sends a signal to break a fuel pump. As he said to me- he bench tested it and by his own admission- it worked fine. but when he placed it in the vehicle.. now he says it doesn't work- Since he broke off 2 of the 3 connectors on the pump itself and said he went to a store and bought some type of hose clamp or fitting to "fix it" I'm not so certain that he may not have a factory tight and correct seal (the connectors are freakin broken) maybe the new host vehicle's computer reads it as unsafe and won't pump fuel. I'm far from a mechanic so I'm literally guessing here.

    But you break a pump getting it out.. try to "rig it up" and when it doesn't work- call me to tell me about it? I'm confused there.

    I initially was posting this on the guise of "If someone breaks a part while pulling it- do they owe you what you agreed upon before pulling the part" sort of a "You break it- you buy it" type thing. He chucked a wrench in my initial thought pattern when he called me as I was posting and added another facet to to the situation.

  9. #6
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    That is why I get paid for the part BEFORE they pull it
    So they now own the part and can pull it any way they want

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  11. #7
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    That is why I get paid for the part BEFORE they pull it
    So they now own the part and can pull it any way they want
    So John.. how to you actually phrase it to them?

    Would like a nice.. yet firm way to say that. I'm trying to have a win-win situation.. but this guy just went at it like a bull in a china shop.. he even disregarded my advice to pull those hoses first!!

  12. #8
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I pretty much say it just like that
    Part is $40.00, I need to be paid BEFORE you start to pull the part
    I explain I am scrapping the car and they don't have to be nice pulling the part >> Cut what you need to
    Please be careful when removing your part of so and so as that is a sellable part

    I started doing this years ago when I learned the hard way on a windshield
    Guy agrees with me on a price for a windshield, Him and his buddy do the work to pull it, and it cracks as they do the last couple inches
    So he is expecting not to have to pay

    Since then >> they pay for the windshield first and I explain that they can remove it and take it home as one unit OR if it breaks/cracks take it home as several pieces
    They now own the windshield

    Like you, I get paid more for parts I pull
    When dealing with Craigs, I don't touch a part until the person is standing in front of me with ca$h
    TOO many no shows
    and TOO many that want to pay less once I have removed the part

    That is why I get the Ca$H up front

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  14. #9
    sledge started this thread.
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    John: Can I double thank your post???
    Sounds perfect! I will be certain to use this as a learning day! Much Thanks!

    As far as part pulling FOR someone- nope. I'm with you. If I pull the part, I update my ad that the part has been pulled and price it accordingly for part and my labor- if they snooze on the ad they pay me more. Yesterday they could have gotten that fuel filler door if they pulled it for $20.. now it is $30 because I pulled it. As conversation has it. I have a guy who wants the tranny out of this Jimmy. In no way shape or form am I pulling it. If he never shows- a tranny with 20K miles on it goes with the truck to the crusher! Simple as that!

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  16. #10
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Just like anywhere else...You break it you buy it. It's his fault it's broken. Sell as is, or as John said. Pay up first, then they are responsible for getting the working part off.

    It's like when I do rarely sell a working tower I pick up. I tell them it's as is. The price reflects this. I don't trouble shoot, I don't do tech support, or any of that. You buy it, AS IS. I'll fire it up for you, you see it works. You get it home an it doesn't..sorry charlie. It worked when you left.

    I wouldn't beat myself up over this. You told the guy to remove the hoses, he chose not to. He bench tested it, said it worked, now says it doesn't. He's out the 30 bucks. Tough luck. Sucks, but hey..that's life at times. Your not walmart, an this isn't ebay where you have to take it back, or whatever. You were up front, tried to tell him, he didn't listen, still gave you the money, tested it, etc.

    I'd say.."Sorry man but a deal is a deal." Gives you any lip, point out he's the one that removed it, an tested it.

    Pop a cold beverage, kick back, spend the 30 bucks on you or the family an enjoy the rest of your day.

    Sirscrapalot - The Customer ISN"T always right.

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  18. #11
    sledge started this thread.
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    Sirscrapalot: Well I think after posting.. this has solidified my thoughts. Sometimes we run into some situations we have never had to deal with before. Just about every person who has ever come to yank-a-part knows they want to be careful and they at times can be tedious about it- because they know- they have that same part broken at home and are there to find a non-broken replacement. So they tend to be over-cautious.. as I would be. Heck common sense would say- cut the stinking hoses well past the fuel pump.. I don't care about them.. I just want the guy to get what he came for and leave happy that he got:
    A. The part he needed
    B. Felt good about the deal he got

    If nothing else- the advice John gave me about getting paid up front and now "pull the part at your own peril" will pay for any anxiety weighing on my mind. I will not make the same mistake with the next guy or gal who comes to pull something off a vehicle!

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    It's funny cause it's so true. Once you've done enough time in know this!

    Sirscrapalot - Maybe I should have posted the cat video..

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  22. #13
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    I don't scrap cars but I wouldn't let anyone do anything like that on my property. I don't want to risk them getting injured and suing me. Hate that the world has come to this but it happens every day

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  24. #14
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    $40 no matter what!!!! You are giving an opportunity for him to get the part, he did not listen to your advice and it broke! If he would have no problem!

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  26. #15
    jmerritt's Avatar
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    if it was me i would make him pay you for it before he took anything off the car. that way if he breaks anything you don't get ripped off.

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  28. #16
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    The 30 is better than nothing. On my Taurus in the trunk is a safety shutoff that you have to grab the small handle (bright red) and pull to reset. It's an electronic shutoff and any unusual bump can trip it. That's what it sounds like as he already bench tested it. Or maybe it blew the fuse/breaker when the other pump went bad. He should check for proper cycling voltage at the pump plug-in when he turns the key on. Maybe the juice isn't making it back there. And you have no control over that.
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  30. #17
    pawpaw's Avatar
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    Pull it post it sell it take the money and send them on their way

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  32. #18
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    I would have been paid up front but if for some reason he broke it or whatever i would give the money back.Some people dont know how to work on stuff and silly stuff happens.I mean it is $30.00 not $300 and either weigh you are getting $0.10 a pound for it anyway.

    I will tell you this ok the guy pays for the part for $40.00 he breaks in while taking it out and he says he can fix it and still use like he has said.he rigs up whatever he is doing and it doesnt work like it has so happened to happen.Then i tell him oh you couldn't get it to work well that sucks bring it back and i will give you your money back no problem.
    The he tells someone what happened and they tell someone what happened and before you know it everyone knows what you done and that you a great guy too deal with so you will and would get alot more business for that type of stuff.

    Like the other day on a facebook page i am on someone needed the seatbelt clip thing the plastics piece that mounts under the seat that the seatbelt hooks to.I said let me check i have a few cars outside so i go out and pull the one out with the 2 clips on it which is what they needed even though only one had broke.I came in and told them hey i pulled that part for you come and get it.She said how much i said $10.00 is fine well come to find out i know her husband.They have 2 kids that are disabled and one on the way which is why they needed this part.See said my husband works part time and we dont have the money this week.I mean if you dont have $10 extra then you must be scraping by.I said thats ok $10 don't make a difference to me come and get it so your kids can be safe.Within 15 minutes he showed up i gave him the part and you should see the people now that thanked me for helping someone in need.

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  34. #19
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    I would have been paid up front but if for some reason he broke it or whatever i would give the money back.Some people dont know how to work on stuff and silly stuff happens.I mean it is $30.00 not $300 and either weigh you are getting $0.10 a pound for it anyway.

    I will tell you this ok the guy pays for the part for $40.00 he breaks in while taking it out and he says he can fix it and still use like he has said.he rigs up whatever he is doing and it doesnt work like it has so happened to happen.Then i tell him oh you couldn't get it to work well that sucks bring it back and i will give you your money back no problem.
    The he tells someone what happened and they tell someone what happened and before you know it everyone knows what you done and that you a great guy too deal with so you will and would get alot more business for that type of stuff.

    Like the other day on a facebook page i am on someone needed the seatbelt clip thing the plastics piece that mounts under the seat that the seatbelt hooks to.I said let me check i have a few cars outside so i go out and pull the one out with the 2 clips on it which is what they needed even though only one had broke.I came in and told them hey i pulled that part for you come and get it.She said how much i said $10.00 is fine well come to find out i know her husband.They have 2 kids that are disabled and one on the way which is why they needed this part.See said my husband works part time and we dont have the money this week.I mean if you dont have $10 extra then you must be scraping by.I said thats ok $10 don't make a difference to me come and get it so your kids can be safe.Within 15 minutes he showed up i gave him the part and you should see the people now that thanked me for helping someone in need.
    That's nice of you ,feels good to help out don't it ?

  35. #20
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    Had an issue with my fuel pump about a year one worked for about an hour then nothing. Turned out to be a bad ground.

    As the saying break it you bought it.
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