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What should I make of this reply

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  1. #1
    Evan started this thread.
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    What should I make of this reply

    I was looking around for local e waste buyers. I found a couple promising leads so I contacted one, gave a picture and asked how much I could get per pound. This is the reply I got back.

    Hi Evan,
    I get 2.06 per # so I am not sure what you are lookin for. We recycle in a legal way, but these type of situations don't really profit any of us. With that said, we are happy to dispose of the electronic in a proper way, we provide that service. I saw the photoshop and it seemed that you have some choice stuff. Feel free to call I am the GM for the company and if we can find some value, then we can both make some income. I will give this the best solution!
    There's a few things that concern me. He says he recycles the legal way. This implies that there is an illegal way. What is the illegal way and how do I avoid it? I looked up CA laws for e-waste and found some stuff about lcds and crts, but I didn't find anything about circuit boards.

    Another part that concerns me is where that he says "these type of situations don't really profit any of us". What types of situations? Maybe I'm worrying about nothing, but I thought I'd see what people here think before I call him.

  2. #2
    1956's Avatar
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    Sounds to me like he likes to hear himself talk with out saying much, he gets $2.06 a lbs for what? Is this a nonprofit company??, I think he is referring to being R-2 certified E-waste recycler, no certification means you are not legal in his eyes, I would not waste a quarter or my time calling him just my .02

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  4. #3
    Evan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1956 View Post
    Sounds to me like he likes to hear himself talk with out saying much, he gets $2.06 a lbs for what? Is this a nonprofit company??, I think he is referring to being R-2 certified E-waste recycler, no certification means you are not legal in his eyes, I would not waste a quarter or my time calling him just my .02
    Thanks for the reply. I've read about the whole R-2 thing, but it doesn't seem to be mandatory so I didn't pay it much attention.

  5. #4
    1956's Avatar
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    You are right it is not mandatory yet,,, but being in Cali you know what happens to the laws, I do not know if you do this part time or full time but any large or government organization will only give a contract or large deal to a certified e-waste recycler. It's all about covering there asssss.

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  7. #5
    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    i may be wrong but to me it sounds like that person is telling you they dont make much from ewaste.....its expensive for them to do it legal.....they will gladly take your stuff and if possible they may pay you some if its good enough sounds to me like he isnt wanting to offer much...i may be wrong...also i have no idea what you sent him photos off....just my 2 cents and im possibly way over thinking stuff, i tend to do that

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  9. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    This guy is probably charging to take most customers stuff and my guess he is twisting the truth about his profit.
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  11. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Yep, Can't say for sure being we can't see the pic's but it sounds like a bunch of double talk so he doesn't have to pay you. Without committing he can give you any amount.
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  13. #8
    beardo's Avatar
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    It sounds to me like a vague bs reply and he is attempting to downplay the value by arguing lack of profit. I don't know what you sent but I would steer clear and find a reputable buyer either on this site or continue to find a good local guy. Reviewing the buyer threads on here and familiarize yourself with the range of prices. There is a range of prices based on regions and locations but you should be able to use that information to vet local buyers
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