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  1. #1
    Trickcard started this thread.
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    Need some outside opinions.

    Ok now that my bad keyboarding skills have let up some, I wanted some feed back from the you all.

    So I have been playing around with the idea of a business card and have come up with this (if some one can give me the code to put that in a drop box I would enjoy that)

    Sorry on the size did not shrink it down.
    So first part a NAME!
    I know a lot of people use (insert first name or nickname here) Hauling/Recycling, but I know people frown on the word "Scrapping" thats what I consider my self as. The first name and only real name bouncing around is "Bit Scrapping". Don't know if I'm trying to be punny or what but I just like it. Now would I just be safer if I used recycling instead of scrapping? You all have seen more faces react to the word "scrapper" then I have.

    Next: Right now all I really deal with is electronic items.
    I'm not going to turn down the random metal item if its shown or asked about, but do you think I'm putting blinders on the person reading the card? When talking to them I will let them know if I can fit it in my truck I will haul it off for them. (Latter date this will be truck and trailer). Just don't want to leave a file cabinet or have some one not call do to the broken chair thy have in the closet next to the old pcs thy have forgotten about.

    Now last bit of input I want is, what do you all think so far of the look? It's a first draft but I kinda like the way its going. I want some one to see this and go "o ya... here is the card of the guy who will haul/take (insert item here). I know..I know that on cards less is more but I think this is just my ad building side showing, I work for my local paper building ads. And here I was thinking it would be easy building something for my self, I'm a hard customer to please

    Any and all feed back is welcomed, thanks guys/girls!

    And yes I do realize I just put my phone number up on the internet but F%^* it, if some one wanted it its already listed in the phone book. Side note any one show up around souther Arkansas now you have a scrappers number for help! And the email will be added once a name is decided on.
    Last edited by Trickcard; 09-09-2014 at 12:31 PM. Reason: Enter was a bad key to push

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  3. #2
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trickcard View Post
    Fixing this now
    I now hate the enter key
    In my opinion, hatred of the "Enter" key is rather extreme. Perhaps put a piece of tape over the "Enter" key and write "Bunny" on the tape.

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  5. #3
    Trickcard started this thread.
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    I was typing and the enter key was fixing its evil mustache, you know like the old school cartoons. Any ways I was testing some stuff out, like how to make a drop box to hide the big pic, and it was like "O I see you want something to happen, NOT THIS TIME!" And as it laughed it posted the thread, I had to edit it like 3 times do to that key.

    I think its acting up do to me trying to connect it to all my missing socks!

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  7. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    First..I think you've been in my cooler.

    Second..I like your card.

    Third..You have amused me, good on you!

    Sirscrapalot - I will get you an your pretty little post an there is nothing you can do about it! muahahaha! - The evil entity known as the enter button.

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  9. #5
    NJSouth's Avatar
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    Looks really good. Gets info/point across quick.

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  11. #6
    HonestScrap's Avatar
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    You may want to add your town or area serviced.

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  13. #7
    Trickcard started this thread.
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    Wink Made a few changes

    Put in my location, was thinking about putting the County don't know yet. I could reach the far parts of it but it comes down to GAS vs GAIN.
    Put the G-mail email for the Scrapping so people have two ways of getting to me. I do plan if it turns into more then a side thing of picking up a pre-pay phone instead of using my home phone.
    I also changed the all caps on the back to just cretin words. I think this helps/looks cleaner.

    Will be cleaning up some copper today so that Saturday I can take the small (should be get the cost of gas) load of scrap. Will take photos of the stuff Friday and add it to the "Back of my truck" post! I should have the #2 to pay for 100 cards, only costing me 19.99 at a place in town.

    Glad work is slow today so I can surf the forums a little more. Todays goal [ Stuff to pull off low grad boards ] with the bunch of questions that are out there and the hundreds of "dig a little in the forum" answers, it's turning into a hunt to find a item and google the s*&^ out of it.

  14. #8
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    Here are my 0.02

    I like the front/back, and my only hangup is that the top of the front looks empty. Maybe move the words in the middle up a bit?

    Personally I would say you serve a region instead of just where you are currently located. My Craigslist ad says “Serving New York’s Capital Region.” True, it’s a large area (and open to interpretation) but you may get more nibbles and bites if you were to say something like “Serving Southern Arkansas and Northern Louisiana” or “Serving Ashley County and Surrounding Areas.” You don’t want people to say “Ah, nevermind, that guy probably won’t come all the way here.” You want them to say “I’ll give him a call, let’s see how far he’ll go.” It’s your prerogative to decide how far you’ll travel for a pickup. Because think about this, you won’t burn a ton of gas for one PC tower, but you sure will for 20 servers. Keep yourself as wide open and approachable as possible. And if you get them on the phone and it SOUNDS like they might be too far, offer them your services, but anything over X miles, you charge a small fee. Gas is expensive and EVERYONE knows that. You already have them on the phone, you might as well try and work out a deal!

    The area that I work in, I personally leave off of my business cards. My thinking is, the ad or referral will give the potential client/customer the idea of where I work and the business card is there for them to see on the fridge and keep my name fresh in their mind and provide easily referenced contact information. This is where the “less is more” theory comes into play. An ad will hook and reel them in, the business card will keep them in your boat.

    On my business card I have the name of the “company” (forming an LLC is right around the corner for us), what we do “Scrap Metal and eWaste Removal Service” my name, my title, phone number and email. It’s simple, and all the pertinent information is there

    And yeah, leave “scrapper” out of it. My ads and business cards say Matt Giaquinto – Freelance Recycler. Sounds professional, let’s people know that I am in business for myself and doesn’t have a negative connotation to it.

    You’re definitely on the right track. Good luck!
    "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let history make its own judgments"

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  16. #9
    Trickcard started this thread.
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    Thanks of the .02!
    Starting out I would really not like to close doors before I get a chance to reach them, so defiantly changed the area.
    I moved up the text to help fill in a bit. I don't really have a "Company name" yet but as a one man hobby I don't think one will be needed for the time. I'm far from needing insurance (or I think I am) and I'm not ready to turn this into my main 8-5 yet, may be one day...

    Thank for the feed back, I will see if any others have some change to toss.

    Here is the new version of the front, not classy like your card, but getting to be a good one for me. And a new email made and saved!

    @Sirscrapalot: Sorry for the late response but unless you have Captain Morgan and a 2-liter of cherry Pepsi in there I don't think you will find my finger prints or I.O.U in/on it.

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  18. #10
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    oooooo MUCH better. I like it a lot, very nice.

    And as for "classy," I went through Vistaprint (and now they don't stop sending me emails but the deals and coupons are really great) so that's why they have that "professional" look. You could go through Vistaprint or someone similar and use your own design. And then it's up to you to decide on card stock, finishes (I like my "ooo shiny" one") and yadda yadda.

    Keep it going, man. A good business card will get you more jobs, I can guarantee that

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