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Flint: Mobile credit card payment app. Review

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  1. #1
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Flint: Mobile credit card payment app. Review

    I recently made a post on another thread talking about a mobile credit card payment app called Flint. This is used to accept credit cards from your customers on the go. I downloaded it and used it for the first time and wanted to give some feedback on my experience. But, first I just wanted to give a little background on how flint works. It is a little different than other credit card payment options because it doesnt use the swiping hardware like square and companies, rather it scans the card number on the card.

    So, I tried it out and everything worked out fine. Registrations, download and linking bank account was pretty easy and the best part is you get to use it the same day. Some online reviews complained about registration, the app, and scanning the number takes too long. I didnt have any problems with these issues. I was a little worried about how the customer would feel about me scanning their credit card because they might think I am taking a picture of the credit card. When I did the transaction I told the customer that this payment option doesnt require a swipe but, scans it. They were totally cool the whole transaction and I sent an emailed receipt to their email. Everything went pretty smooth and easy.

    The only thing that got me worried was that I opened the app the next day and the screen said "transaction declined" . I called customer service and they said that the payment went through and to reopen the app. That seemed to fix the "transaction declined" message. I got the money in my checking account today. I would say that the whole process was easy and pretty painless. You can also send email invoices to customers email address where there is a button to click and pay the invoice through the email.

    So far my short term review is very good and hopefully my long term review will be the same. Its a newer company so you never know but, so far so good.

    Anyone who is interested, here is the website

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  3. #2
    mrsamsonite started this thread.
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    Just wanted to follow up with my experience with Flint so far. Overall I am pretty happy with the company. I have done several transactions including using the Invoice option. This option is convenient because you are able to email the customer an invoice and they can pay through a link on the email so, you can charge someone without them being present. I have a customer that has hired me for several jobs mainly because I take credit card and he is able to pay through email. The invoice option has been good but, some customer when they get the email decide to just pay by check instead. Perhaps the email is a little generic so, some people dont have the confidence when making the payment. This is not a big deal checks are fine and I might be able to customize the email as well.

    The only real issue I had was when I tried to charge a customer one time and was unable to because there was bad phone reception. So, we met at a different location where there was reception and ran the card again and it worked. We had to restart the phone because the screen on the phone showed that it was still loading after several minutes. We made sure a transaction didnt go through and that is when we ran it the second time. It made the customer feel a little uncomfortable but, it wasnt that bad. I now know what to do if that happens again, just restart the phone, change to a good reception area, try it again and problem solved. It could of been bad if it was a difficult customer though.

    Also I recently got a transaction limit increase, the into limit was kind of low. This should be plenty good for what i do:

    Scanned and Typed Transactions:
    $1,500 per transaction
    $3,000 per day
    $4,000 per week

    Invoice and Sell Online Transactions:
    $4,500 per week

    Ill check back and give another review after another several months.

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